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Sulendil Ang

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Everything posted by Sulendil Ang

  1. Yeah, me too. Guess great minds thinks alike. The way I see it, I guess VF-4 maybe is a good example why no heavy beam weaponry was adopted in the later production. It may just proved to be too cumbersome to use, and its kill ratio probably almost as same, if not worse, than VF-1's GU-11 gunpod, which VF-4 can used. I just hope we can see VF-4 in action, even if it's only on the Zero version of All That VF. BTW, when you say "without beam weapon", I take it as in "no other beam weapons except the obvious head turret", since all VF, including VF-11 and VF-5000, carry at least one beam weapon. The only exception is VA-3, but looking at its primary function as an attacker, I think it did no harm to VA-3 for not carrying a single beam weapon. EDIT: Wow, I felt like opening this topic is just like having opened a big forbidden can of worms...
  2. Who are those people in the cover? Is that Hikaru and Misa?
  3. For a starting point, let us analysis VF-4, the only VF that is dedicated to the beam weaponry. Since no VF produced after VF-4 used the same concept as VF-4, I think we can start to research why UNS stopped producing similiar VF. Perhaps VF-4 had underperformed and "laser" tech is actually less useful in combat then UNS previously thought. Perhaps VF-4 that carries the old GU-11 gunpod of VF-1 can performed even better than those VF-4 who didn't bring one.
  4. Not really. As posted at this topic earlier, that was supposed to be the Macross F version. Those who brought the Macross Zero Blu-ray disc will get an exclusive password for the Zero version of All That VF, which I think is the real show. F version maybe is just an extended preview version.
  5. A question: how many missiles do VF-4 have? Because no matter how I count, I count 12, not 6 as mentioned by Macross Compendium.
  6. To add into the confusion, the only VF that are truly dedicated to "laser" weaponry is VF-4, and no other VF was built with that concept ever since. So, what happened? Does "laser" techs are more inefficient than what we have think of?
  7. Thanks for the info, hobbes! As a reminder, I have created a topic for further discussion of the "laser" technology. Any posts regarding that topic should go to that topic instead of current one, to avoid being off topic. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=27011
  8. Yup, this topic is created for the continued discussion of Macross "Laser" tech from Macross Frontier's Mecha Thread, including the placement of the turret and the firepower of the "laser". One thing, I'm surprised to find out that those lasers are really that strong that it can destroy a mech, as mentioned by March. (Reminds me that don't go to Super Robot Wars if you want to know the real performance of each Valks. ) Even surprising to me that it is rarely seen being used on screen. Why is that? Is gunpod a more effective weapon than laser gun, or that Kawamori didn't want to make Valks too Gundam-like by using too much beam weapon?
  9. Nice catch, Spitze! I'm not sure if it really is a VF-17D (since the image is not really that clear), but still, it's nice to see Graham's fav VF in this video.
  10. Can anyone reminds me when that happens?
  11. Then, Japanese put their emphasis on vowels, not consonant, so Gamlin/Gamrin refers to the same person if you speak Japanese. Moral of this story: Don't take your favourite franchise too seriously.
  12. I'm not too sure about the line art you posted is real not, hobbes, because someone did mention that it looked like a fanmade picture. But yeah, that's the only two pictures that we got now.
  13. Hi, WaveMotionGun, welcome to Macross World Forum! There's a line art of various part of VF-25 post earlier here. Hope that helps answering your questions! http://i32.tinypic.com/dgtkx4.jpg
  14. As I have stated earlier in this thread, I can lead a help if you guys have problems translating those Kanji, as I'm very familiar with them.
  15. BTW, can anyone tell me what song they used in that All That VF clip? It's also the same song that appeared in MF episode 15.
  16. Red Wolf: Both, just in case. I want to see the scene where both names are used in their respective version (FYI, according to Gubaba, it's Alpha-1 in OVA, Eagle-1 in Movie), to makes comparison. My theory is that Alpha One is the name of the plane itself, while Eagle One is the callsign of Isamu. That's what I'm trying to proof/disproof.
  17. Observation so far: (i) VF-19: Not surprisingly, YF-19 is now leading the poll, although Basara's Custom is a distant second. Come on Fire Bomber fans, go and vote for Basara! (ii) VF-22: Here's where I have a little surprise: votes between VF-22 and YF-21 are almost equal, and for sometimes, VF-22 is actually leading the poll, which is a sharp contrast with VF-19. So for the VF-22 fans: Can anyone bother to tell me the reason you choose VF-22? I'm really curious.
  18. Well, another bad news. At least, they say it's not sure yet, so there's still a little hope. Again, thanks for the news, vanpang!
  19. During a discussion in my recent poll, Favourite Variable Fighter Mk. II, Gubaba and me have a little "argument". He stated in his post that YF-19 had different name in both OVA and Movie version: it's Alpha One in OVA, but it's called Eagle One in Movie. I disagree at first, remembering nothing about seeing the name Eagle One in Movie version, and March's Macross Mecha Manual only served to prove my point further, as his entry of YF-19 clearly stated that its name is YF-19. (Of course, you won't see it now: the entry has being corrected to reflected both names) That is, until I found out the old mecha page of Macross Compendium that listed both names as the names of YF-19. I lost, and I have to send that Gubaba the Fire Bomber Fan(FBF) his pterosaur steak. ... Or is it? When I pointed it out on March's Macross Mecha Manual topic, he also thought that it was the callsign of Isamu, not a name of YF-19. The new Macross Compendium site also do no mention about the name(s) of YF-19, too. And without any visual proof or scripts of that particular scene, I also begin to doubt about the whole deal. So here's a call of help to you guys: Can anyone please proof/disproof the whole myth of YF-19's name? If possible, I hope there's a sceneshoot or video that act as evidence to your point. Even a script of both version of Macross Plus is welcome. So help me guys, or I have to send that FBF his steak! EDIT: BTW, if anyone ask why I don't go and see Macross Plus myself, the answer is simple: I don't have it, and my hard disk is almost full by this point, I don't have the desire to download it yet.
  20. Is that mean that I can only get the first issue next month? That's suck. Still, thanks for the info, vanpang!
  21. wolfx, do you have any idea where I can get Macross Chronicles in KL? Hopefully the binder is sold there too...
  22. Maybe so, but again, what we need is a visual proof, which I didn't have. I really hope someone can post the screenshot of the scene where that name is used in Movie version (because Gubaba said so in this post) If this is what you call "minor" update, March, then I don't know how awesome it will be if you going to do a "major" updates... Again, great jobs from you March! I really likes the new Macropedia.
  23. The Eagle One and Alpha One name, both listed under "By Codenames and Unofficial Designations" section as the names of YF-19.
  24. Because Mikhael wants to get Sherly, who is too close with Alto, so he encourage the relationship between Alto and Ranka to eliminate another potential opponent...
  25. Yeah, sorry if I offend you somehow. Just like others have said before, Megaroad-01 is a colonization ship, not a warship. I guess that's why they bring along the Nupetiet-Vergnitzs when launching Megaroad-01, to add up the firepower needed if they ever encounter another Zentradi fleet.
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