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Everything posted by Gammera

  1. its is probably the spec map, for light colored maps the specular highlight map should be dark, if you use a light color it will get way to reflective. here are my maps the top is my normal one the bottom is my specular.
  2. I donate my VF-1D
  3. Add a specular map
  4. or you could use splines
  5. lets try one more time
  6. 1/48 made me rebuild my valk!!
  7. Gammera

    CG Methods

    I'm a spline modeler, but I use polys. I started life in Auto Cadd hard to bust my brain out of that mode!! Here is a good question, do you model the lines in, do you put them on the texture, or do you bump map. I already know the answer for most of the old timers around here. I usually include them in my texture, BUT i am starting to experiment with bumbmaps.
  8. We kinda had this discussion not to long ago this is ruffly what we came up with plus/minus an exit turbine. (Sorry for any typo’s in the PDF) As for the Macross having enough fuel for it's self. It only has to fire the engines twice, once to leave Pluto’s orbit (if I remember correctly they we not ACTUALLY at Pluto just somewhere around its orbital ring.) and once to enter Mars orbit, and possibly once to help with a sling shot around Saturn. It's just simple celestial mechanics after that Sir Ike Newton will do the rest of the driving. engine.pdf
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