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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. I think I'm almost done forever with this one. Now to find some good backgrounds to composite in this model.
  2. I discovered that Vista (ultimate 64 anyway don't know about the others) can use movie files for desk top wallpaper. Here is my trial attempt at a movie wallpaper. If you have vista park the file somewhere right click on it and pick set as descktop background. https://home.comcast.net/~gammera3/vf-1oldmovie.zip
  3. A new test render
  4. I think your crazy for actually modeling in the trenches! I think a bump map would be a whole lot easier, looks great though.
  5. take two, I know it seems a little dark, but I think it is pretty consistant with the other shadows, in the pic, maybe I still don't have the light positioned right.
  6. This is kinda of hard even when you have your own model!! here is my contribution to this thread
  7. So due to a hard drive crash several months ago I lost all of my models. I got around to doing my VF-1 a month ago, and am almost finished. I based it off the 1/48 yammi so when it is ready to change modes I shouldn't have to do too much tweeking. I still have one or two more things to fix / finish before I try changing modes.
  8. I would guess it is actualy supposed to be the grey the JSDF uses on its destroyers a little darker and a little bluer then "haze gray" but not blue. Look at Yamato, sure you could argue that it is now a space cruiser five hundred plus years after it sank, but it isn't gray in the anime like the real ship is. Remeber these are early production animes we are dealing with. They used something like 16 pre mixed colors for everything. Go grey!!!
  9. Try deleting the history of the object, and freeze transformations on the object.
  10. You know it's funny I lost my valk in a hard drive crash a year ago and decided it was time to replace it. Good to hear Im not the only one!! This is what I did. I took orthographic shots of my yami, and then shaped the hase instructions over the top of them to fix any perspective errors I might have gotten from imperfect shooting. As for the flaps try Mants or what ever that website is for F-14 nuts. The VF-1 was based off the F-14 I bet you the flaps would be set up the same way.
  11. Gammera

    stop motion

    It looks way better then some of the anime fiend episodes!
  12. I think I saw "Macross Zero-style!" in one of those movies I am not quite old enough to watch if you know what I mean. XXX
  13. Hey is the band gett'n back together!! Haven't done any Macross for awhile, been doing some new skins for Falcon AF
  14. UHHHHH last I checked this is was the Fan Works, Local Gatherings and Homepages forums for such things as "Macross fan art, cg, wallpapers, themes, etc". You never saw Petite Cola cans and mobile vending machines in the OG Macross series? It's a theme art piece using the Petite design as a new type of product similar to Pocky. So just like so many other of the fan art this is the same, only I went outside the realm of Macross mecha, and characters. 339020[/snapback] I got it dude I thought it was clever. (was not thrown off by user name, must not lynch user for his name, must not.... I am strong... urggggg...HG sucks...Rowboattech sucks....must kill user!...) add much sarcasim to the peran's. I'm more likely to lynch you for liking macross 7 then liking Robotech!
  15. WHAT THE FRACK (is that a bad word yet?) Are you talking about.!
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