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Everything posted by shinagami

  1. the custom 'pilot Ozuma Lee' decals does looks interesting...anybody knows how to get laserjet decal film in malaysia? i did search in every hobby shop nearby but couldn't find one....tried to shop online, but most of them doesn't ship worldwide...
  2. i did promise to finished my vf-25f but currently the hobby stores near my house have not stock in their tamiya flat white. unfortunately the F version will be delayed however the RVF-25 supermessiah will fill in the place.... i've been building and figuring the rvf, and found out somethings isn't right.... as u can see there is no way to fit the gun underneath the RVF but suddenly the gun appears during the gerwalk n battroid mode. since i'm building a non transformable RVF, it will look a bit incomplete(not cool) to 'pose' without the gun. any suggestion on how to fix the gun underneath?
  3. thank cool8or, really appreciate it...nice work there...really wish my workmanship could be on par as your's... thanks again
  4. great work there greg...i also have a fixed non transformable vf-25f in progress. will post the pics when it's done
  5. Legioss & Tread Factory: Imai (Legioss); NewType (Tread) Scale: 1/72 cool8or, could u take a few shots of the legioss n tread joints and ventral views? i bought a 1/72 scale aoshima legioss and resin kit of the tread, but to joint them is a bit difficult...care to share some ideas?
  6. i wish for.... 1/72 scale vf-4g lightning III fighter mode 1/72 scale vf-9 cutlass fighter mode 1/72 scale vf-11b thunderbolt + booster + fast pack fighter mode (macross plus version) 1/72 scale vf-14 vampire fighter mode 1/72 scale vf-17s nightmare fighter mode 1/72 scale vf-5000g starmirage + booster fighter mode 1/72 scale booster + fast pack for yf-19 and yf-21 fighter 1/72 scale cat's eye 1/72 scale vb-6 konig monster gerwalk 1/72 scale neoglaug fighter from macross m3 lastly, if possible, a 1/72 scale Valhalla III VC-551 Stealth Submersible Strike Carrier
  7. hey, great idea...now i also was thinking of modding my yf-21, but my case is a 'salvation' from my 'destroyed' hase yf-21, svf-124 moonshooters and supersylph yukikaze due to my son's mischief...was thinking of putting all the salvaged parts in building one bomber or something...still on conceptual stage though, have lots to think about...anyway, keep up the good work.
  8. i wud love a 1/72 scale vf-4 and cat's ES-11d from moscato or captain america....do put me in the list.. by the way, coolater, cool model build-up collection there. wished i had those...
  9. WOW!!! FANTASTIC EVERYTHING!!! keep it up man....
  10. sorry guys, i'm really new to this forum...when i was reading this thread i was getting really excited that i didn't notice the last posted date...and it's a relief to know starshipmodeler will reissue this kit...yay
  11. i want one too...
  12. my personal thought is that this kit from neograde is better in proportion than the yamato's or imai's...and it fits into hasegawa's battroids . nevertheless i still think one collector shud have one to complete their collection. just my humble opinion...
  13. fantastic job PetarB, really wished i had the resin kit + ur skill
  14. fantastic job WM Cheng, i'm new to this forum...and been drooling ever since i started browsing this thread. to anyone in this forum...does anybody knows where can i get this booster kit? i know it has stopped production, but if theres anyone out there who wanted to sell their's or happens to have extra stocks....i'm begging u to sell it to me...huhuhuhu
  15. nice job!!! mind telling me the scale of the kit? issit 1/72 or 1/100?
  16. hi all, i'm new in this forum...originate from malaysia, n one macross model addict...been collected most of 1/72 scale hasegawa's macross model kits. here is my suggestion to all who r interested in having the 1/72 Macross VF-1J/1S Full Armored Super Valkyrie conversion kits. click here to view the link http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?c...roducts_id=4800 i've placed 3 unit orders, they need at least 10 units ordered for them to start the production of this fantastic resin kit. it's a conversion kit thus u'll need a hasegawa vf-1 battroid valkyrie to build one.
  17. shinagami

    macross F: VF-25G SUPERMESSIAH

    mikhail blanc's sniper custom
  18. shinagami


    roy focker's vf-1 test program for the atmospheric booster
  19. shinagami

    macross F: RVF-25 SUPERMESSIAH

    luca angeloni's custom + simon, john, peter
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