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Everything posted by atreyu2112

  1. atreyu2112

    Hi-Metal R

    Got mine at CDJ at about 3:10am EST. Yes, I'm also hoping for the next PO to be another Destroid or the Queadluun Rau or other enemy mecha.
  2. atreyu2112

    Hi-Metal R

    Agreed. I don't know if my wallet can hand both M&M at once. I'm kind of bummed there hasn't been a Destroid preorder yet. I'm glad to be getting all the Valks, but we already have the 1A CF & TV 1J Hiks... now a 1J Max... damn! Give us a Destroid or a TV Queadluun Rau or a male armor or something. Spread out the Valks.
  3. atreyu2112

    Hi-Metal R

  4. atreyu2112

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow, chaos! Went online 6am EST and everyone was sold out already. I didn't even realize that the TV 1J was going up for P.O. so quickly after announcement, and I especially didn't expect it to sell out SO quickly. Luckily, I was able to get one on AE. I'm loving all of the releases so far, but man... I'm REALLY hoping for a few Destroids or a TV Quaedluun-Rau P.O. next. Seriously. I mean, the Glaug is just SO nice to FINALLY add to a collection (mine came Tuesday morning), and with already seeing the Destroids... I have high hopes for a more complete line this go around. Edit P.S. - hoping for TV Max & Kakizaki VF-1As & a VF-1D soon also!!!
  5. atreyu2112

    Hi-Metal R

    My Glaug shipped from CDJapan! Woohoo, I can't wait.
  6. Since my house once got real close to looking a lot like a toy store in multuple rooms, as per the wife I now have but one wall I am allowed to display my collection. Sure, there are a few select pieces we both enjoy that grace our living room, but the bulk of what I have is kept on my one wall. Mind you, I have MP Transformers (going for a full G1 S1 collection), Star Wars TBS/Figuarts/MAFEX, SW/TMNT/LotR Lego, a decent TMNT section... Funko Pops... AND my guitars & amplifier. Needless to say, space & funds are limited. So for me, I still have my 3 favorite Yamato VF-1 v2s, but they're boxed/stored & I'm done with 1/60. The HM-R 1/100 scale is perfect for me both in size & price. In the space that took up just 3 of the 1/60s I now have 2 valks 2 Regults and there's a spot waiting for the Glaug. And I'm really just displaying them, once I get them posed the way I like I'm not handling them at all really. The choice was easy to go all in 1/100 once I saw they were making the Destroids & enemy mecha. My rule to live by these days is... If I can display it, I will buy it. If I can't, I have to pass. I've narrowed my collections down to the bare minimum and I'm still only able to display like 1/3 of what I have. Hahaha
  7. atreyu2112

    Hi-Metal R

    I got mine Saturday from NY. The Valk/strike package is inside another box. That box, along with the stand package is inside yet another larger box, which is about the size of 2 Valk boxes atop one another. And then that is what is wrapped & boxed for shipping. So it really is much larger than the previously released valks. I can understand why it was more.
  8. atreyu2112

    Hi-Metal R

    I got that message too, requesting additional 1000¥ due to larger item.
  9. atreyu2112

    Hi-Metal R

    Thoughts on ordering from MyKombini? I'm debating cancelling my Regult pre-order with them and getting from Nippon...?
  10. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=TOY10616&mode=retail
  11. These look great. If the price is right, I might get a few.
  12. Got the VF-1A TV Max from this series and all is well. Nice tight joints, no stress cracks. Every one I have are great, no issues. And I have all but series 1.
  13. Thanks for the link guys. I'm gonna need like 4 of those.
  14. Anyone know where to get shoulder hinges or cockpit canopy (crackly rainbow tint) for Yamato 1/60 v2? I have been unsuccessful for a long while now, then I forget about it, look, give up, etc... I have a 1J Hikaru TV that needs shoulder hinges and a 1S DYRL Focker that needs both shoulder hinges & the cockpit canopy. If you can help, it's much appreciated!
  15. Ya know, I just want to rant for a sec. I am SUPER disappointed (pissed off is the better term) that Yamato had such poor design and quality control with these damn shoulder hinges. ALL 3 of my first run 1/60 v2.0 valks ... VF-1S Roy DYRL, VF-1A Strike Hikaru AND VF-1J Strike ... have turned out to have shoulder hinge crack issues. All of my newer ones don't, which is great. But I spent a lot of hard earned cash on these when they came out and I am super careful with my stuff. I have had these in storage or on display and haven't really touched them since I got them. Now I am moving, won't have the space for them, try to pass on a good deal to some friends here and when I check before I send 'em out, BAM ... I am screwed. I knew about 1 of them up front, but to find it on all 3, not to mention the rainbow tint crackle issue - It's complete BS that Yamato hasn't/won't offer replacement parts to those who spent hard earned cash on these. WHERE"S YOUR HONOR YAMATO??? That being said, I think it is super cool that the people here care enough about one another to step up and fix these issues themselves, and then share the love and hook everyone else up. You guys rock!!!
  16. Is Toynami indeed done with Robotech & Macross?
  17. Maiden ... sorry to hear. Your work is awesome!!! Best of luck to you.
  18. I think a lot of it really has to do with 3-4 straight releases of the same thing, but with missiles. Let's be honest, I already have 3 Reguld's... I want something else now. I do want a Light Artillery & a Tactical - but I really want that Glaug first, and the other Valks. Make a business plan out of it! Don't release the same thing back to back to back. Like (no particular order here) Standard Reguld, 1/100 Valk (VF-1D), Glaug, 1/100 Valk (Elint), Heavy Reguld, 1/100 Valk (Ostrich), Light Reguld, 1/100 Valk (TV Max), Reguld (Tactical), Valk (TV Kaki), etc... Release 1 a month or every other month. Do what Mattel did with He-Man, and now Ghostbusters & DCU - offer a subscription. Commit to 1 year of the line. If it works - continue the line. If it doesn't, well, at least you satisfied the core of your market. Even if they went deeper into the enemy mecha, there are enough characters and deco's to justify costs as each mold would get at least 3 separate releases out of it. There are still at least 5 Valk deco's, Nousjadeul-Ger, Queadluun-Rau, Gnerl Fighter Pod... the list goes on. At a $20 - $30 price range (which is great) and enough of a product line, the line would generate interest on it's own. Then you'd have all of us talking about the releases getting more people into it. Just mho rant & 2 cents!
  19. I really wanted to jump on the BanDai Hi-Metal's, but they cost way too much IMO, which held me back all together. I sure hope Toynami release the Glaug, Elint & Ostrich.
  20. I'm down for all the new stuff shown at SDCC... bring it on!
  21. Agreed, spot on. Sperzel locking tuners, Wilkinson Gotoh bridge, Seymour Duncan '59 trembucker bridge pickup... NO WAY this is an LTD. Easily $3-$4k & special order only. VERY cool though, thanks for sharing!
  22. I tried PM to Graham and never heard back. Hope I'm not out of luck. I need both shoulders for the TV VF-1J Hikaru
  23. Actually, RT.com has the LABP listed as shipping in June.
  24. I'll be getting series 6 and a Glaug for sure. On the fence about series 5. Thanks for sharing MJ - good stuff! Cant wait for more.
  25. VERY cool - can't wait to get one (or a few!)
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