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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. HOLY FRAK!!!! I actually got one through AmiAmi with zero issues, I honestly didn't think I'd have a chance... congrats to those who were able to get one as well.
  2. I know Big Bad Toy Store is going to be more expensive but that's looking like my option right now. Last night's PO wasn't light speed but ludicrous speed at selling out.
  3. @KOG Water Dragon & @wm cheng 1/48 VE-1 1/48 VT-1 1/48 VF-1D 1/72 VF-4 Flashback 1/72 VF-X We should all live so long... come on Hasegawa, do it!!!
  4. @wm cheng the YF-23 will be one of the ultimate "what ifs" in aviation, while the F-22 can turn on a dime & give you 9 cents change at lower speeds, the Black Widow II minus thrust vectoring with those "Ruddervators" made it super maneuverable & surpassed the YF-22 in just about every other category, including stealth & speed. If the 22 barely shows up on radar just imagine the 23. The Airforce really missed out in not having at least one squadron of these deadly fighters.
  5. That looks amazing, those harnesses/seatbelts look great. So, is this going to be a US Navy Tomcat or an F-14 Persian Cat when you're all finished? Since you mentioned IRAF Pilots.
  6. It's a real shame with the YF-30 for so many reasons, they never did a reissue or any other color schemes. The few times I've had some extra spending cash, I've thought of grabbing a Chronos but damn, even the ones that are yellowed are expensive. On a side note, my Yamato 1/48 Max 1A (DYRL) that never came out of the box... also yellowed, something in the plastic just turns at some point it would seem. And now, back to your regular scheduled discussion about the SV-262.
  7. Oh yeah, the last 4 or 5 I have seen on Mandarake all had some degree of yellowing. If you have one & it hasn't, you're either very lucky or taking really good care of it.
  8. Those look really good, love the mods you made @tekering, now I need to break out my BGC DVD's, nostalgia time! (I'd love to see either Arcadia or Sentinel take a crack at the Motoslaves + figures!) I just saw that there were earthquakes in Japan yesterday, hopefully everyone in your area is ok with no major damage. As a Californian resident for 31 years, I know earthquakes are no joke.
  9. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I'm making some progress with the YF-23, the landing gear which again is usually a royal pain for me actually turned out pretty good. Very special thanks to @Chas for the Fighter pilots. 😎👍 (The kit does not include one.) Looking good @Rock, that's going to be one very detailed Tomcat cockpit!
  10. From STAYC to the world, HAPPY NEW YEAR Everyone!
  11. Nice score!! Gunbuster is still one of my favorite Anime series ever. One of these days I'm getting one too.
  12. 505thAirborne

    Hi-Metal R

    Tamashii Act Trident display stand, if you can find these, this is what I have for my HM-R VF-2SS's.
  13. I have to admit with REBEL MOON, I watched it with zero expectations and overall, it wasn't the worst thing ever. I tried to not to laugh when I saw Buckbeak's distant cousin make an appearance in the movie.
  14. Making progress. Now for the two sections I always struggle with, carefully glueing on the front section of the Canopy and then the landing gear... those tiny little parts for the gear/struts are hard with big old fingers. The last steps will be ordering in the proper decals for the ATF program & then a wash with some Flory's.
  15. Unless Arcadia sent a warning to Bandai, if you're going to borrow from previous designs, why no one has used the system Yamato came up with for the arms has puzzled me, I mean it works, the arms on my Yamato & Arcadia VF-1's are still rock solid with or without the Fast Packs on. Clearly ThreeZero is borrowing from Bandai & having the same issue. Also, what's up with that frosted/foggy looking canopy on Max & Miria?
  16. @derex3592 That looks really good, love the panel lining! 👍
  17. Yep, that's the Hobby Boss YF-23 kit. Overall, it's a good kit but I feel it misses a lot of detail opportunities, especially for the size & price. No option for the flaps, the air-intakes lack what you see in the picture of the real aircraft, also the wheels, nothing worse than a modern kit where the tires are NOT separate from the wheels, it's a real PITA to get it just right. The other kit shown is the Collect Aire 1/48 YF-23 Black Widow, that one has some serious detailing plus an optional Weapons/missile bay. So after a lot of work, I'll have this YF-23 looking as good as I can.
  18. My apologies for the lack luster pics but here is my 1/48 YF-23. With it raining the past few days, I'm stuck until Sunday (sunny & warmer) before I can give it a final coat of grey paint, then finish off the engines & landing gear. Does anyone have a spare 1/48 fighter pilot you're willing to part with? I'm in no rush to buy an entire 1/48 grounds crew set just for one pilot. Hobby Boss failed to provide one.
  19. Well, this explains the price tag, that Gunbuster is huge & it looks amazing @tekering. Will you be getting the CCS Toys Gunbuster as well?
  20. @tekering That definitely should have read "I'm going to give these a base coat first".
  21. Hi all, I'm making a little bit of progress on the Gunbuster model kits, I started with the Exelion & Eltreum. The kits themselves are nicely molded and look like the line art, that said they are very basic with little to no detail or any real panel lining... so I added my own plus some spare photo-etch parts I had leftover & used them on the Eltreum. I have decent weather out here the next few days so I might give these a good basecoat and try for some actual painting. @no3Ljm If there is info out there, I can't find any, do you by chance know any specifics on that CCS Gunbuster in terms of height, cost & does it transform like the old Bandai DX?
  22. Wow, I'm impressed that AmiAmi still had these available, I just pre-ordered one. Ok Bandai, you have no excuse now NOT to make a VF-0A Cannon Fodder variant.
  23. While I have no intentions of starting a 1/72 VF-1 toy collection, for those who are, has KC attempted the following yet: Alaska base, Minmay Guard, Cavaliers, VF-X, VF-1D, Low Vis NAVY? If they haven't, these seem like better options than the 3-Ring Circus they're teasing. Though, I'll admit... their Angel Bird looked good, almost went for it.
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