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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. @Goodman Models The kit & cockpit are looking good, I've always been a huge fan of the Legioss! On a side note, does anyone else here wish that Hasegawa or WAVE made a 1/72 or even better a 1/48 scale Legioss & Tread model kit?
  2. Sweet, I didn't realize that was an RDM production, I'll give it a watch for sure. @Dynaman Yeah, at the time of the Regensburg Bombing Raid the P-51 wasn't the long-range escort we've come to know yet and the P-47/38's just didn't have the range, so yeah, those B-17's & 24's were sitting ducks long before they hit their targets. What's crazy is the German fighter planes armed with rockets... turns out that was real and with devastating effect.
  3. Now that I have Apple TV+ for Masters of the Air... I've started watching FOUNDATION, it's a little slow but I'm enjoying the story so far, the special effects are top tier for this series. As for episode 3 of MOTA, damn, it's amazing anyone in those bombers ever survived their missions. The below freezing temps, flak and swarms of BF-109's/FW-190's is that of your worst nightmares.
  4. RIP Carl. He was awesome in Rocky, but I always think of him in PREDATOR.
  5. Is anyone here watching TRUE DETECTIVE Night Country? If so, does anyone know what's actually going on? Honestly, I'm lost with this one, there's so far not a single character I remotely care about, there's a tie in with season 1 apparently, a young girl was murdered years before, possibly evil spirits are involved, and the writers decided that people only use the word F-ck to describe every moment in their lives. So yeah, what's happening here or is this another, it all comes (sort of) together at the last moment kind of story?
  6. Two episodes in on MASTERS OF THE AIR, for whatever reasons I was having little faith if this series was going to be any good, something about the trailers just didn't feel right, especially the CGI... well, I love being wrong sometimes. So far, I am really enjoying this, everything looks and feels authentic, the scenes with the crews eating their breakfast, ground/mechanic crews, the pilots getting their flights suits on, it's all very well laid out and filmed. There is some narration in the show and works perfectly IMO. A couple of guys I keep in touch with who are a part of the CAF (Commemorative Air Force) said they helped out with their B-17 (I think she's called Sentimental Journey) for all of the engine & inflight sound effects, if you've ever seen a real B-17 up close and heard those engines kick over, that's what you hear in this show (none of that weird off putting made up sound-effects you hear in some WWII movies, PEARL HARBOR is a grand example.) The .50 Calibers & FLAK are deafening. The way they do the pre-flight is detailed, really nice touch. There's a couple of scenes in that are both based on real events and at least for me, feel like a nod to the film Memphis Belle. So far for now, this is on my Blu-ray purchase list!
  7. Other than some VF-1S reissues, Arcadia is focusing on their 1/60 VF-5000. So far, no word or updates for anything from Mac Zero at this time.
  8. Thanks @Thom, yeah those decals do wonders for this fighter. I kind of went the Bandai DX route and added a few extra decals like all of the NO STEP, refueling and other little markings for that added effect, otherwise this YF-23 is from the days of the ATF competition, the Black widow Hourglass is underneath as well.
  9. @MechTech Matte finish my friend, Matte finish.
  10. Thanks @derex3592 down the road if I ever make another YF-23 or anything 1/48 I truly have a ton of options. The company that makes these decals, I highly recommend them, they are really good quality, they go on smooth, no cracking or tearing & were worth the price tag. As for pilots and keeping a fighter with the gear up or down, yeah, it's a bit frustrating. With this YF-23 kit the rear landing gear doors fit flush while the front gear doors do no not (You'd have to do surgery for it to work), best example ever for me with having both options were the Moebius Galactica Vipers... we need more kits like that, not to mention the detailed resin pilots.
  11. Just one of the many & possibly great moments of Sci-Fi right there, seeing the Galactica jumping into the atmosphere was completely unexpected and one coolest scene's ever in this series, which is saying a lot because this BSG series had tons of exciting & breathtaking moments/scenes.
  12. Looking good everyone, so many great projects going on here! 😎👍 @nightmareB4macross the mods on that 1/55 is breathtaking! As for me, my decals have arrived!!
  13. If the plan is to do a Reboot of Galactica making a run for Earth after the destruction of the colonies, I'd be on board for a completely updated version of the original series, and for the record I was born in 1976 but watched the reruns as a kid until I was blue in the face, it would be cool to see that version of the story explored since it never really got proper a chance to be developed the first time around. This time we need a fully functioning staff & a hefty budget, both of which didn't exist with NBC in 1979. As for Starbuck being a guy or a gal, that doesn't matter to me as long the character is well written, thought out and a top-notch actor is hired. (Yeah, I know, that's asking for a lot.)
  14. It looks like this is becoming a reality now. Hopefully it's not another re-telling of the Original & RDM series. Battlestar Galactica Reboot Gets Exciting Update As New Showrunner Is Hired (screenrant.com)
  15. I will say that the 1/1 Scale B-17's they built (2 of them) look very convincing for all of the ground crew/maintenance scenes, I'm still iffy about the CGI, it looks a bit off to me but in 11 days we'll find out if this series was worth the wait, it's pushing 14 years since THE PACIFIC released.
  16. I'm good with some more TOP GUN but if I have to be honest when it comes to seeing more Air-to-Air combat, honestly, I'd love to see a serious (No Michael Bay crap) live action of the 1980's OVA AREA 88... but that's just me.
  17. Awesome! I didn't really like Maniac at first but it's a favorite now, they weren't messing around with that album, and it's really paid off for them. Despite what happened to Gfriend, I'm happy for Eunha & the others to be having successful careers.
  18. I was even more shocked because I didn't even have to refresh once, it went straight to my cart, shipping & payment... AmiAmi has truly been my go-to lately. And yes, that lovely lady in my avatar is Eunha. (Gfriend & VIVIZ)
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