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Posts posted by 505thAirborne

  1. Hey Guys, just doing a little bit a rearranging as usual. As well as showing off my new baby, Its my 1st VF-0A with VF-1 Wolf Pack squadron markings added. Its awesome, its amazing, won't be the last one to my collection either!! And its transforms just perfectly!! Got the GHOST-B today from MW member "Brannon" excellent seller I must say!!

    I thought it was neat to compare the size difference between my Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0A, Max's VF-1A 1/60 & my new 1/60 VF-0A... its crazy how much the bigger the Phoenix is compared to a Valkyrie!!

    Take care Everyone!!!






  2. Original Robocop was near perfect IMO. No need for a remake. Remake the sequels if you want, they were crap IMO, but leave the original alone.

    Same with the first Highlander, it was perfect. The sequels were all complete and utter dross, but the original Highlander is a fantastic film. No need to remake it IMO.

    Red Dawn.......hmm, so is the remake still going to be set in the 80s'? Not sure how this would work and not sure it really needs to be remade.

    Next, they'll be talking about remaking Alien and Aliens!


    I hope they never try to do a remake of Alien or Aliens. That would truly be a dark day in history!!!

  3. The VF-1D was always one of my favorites, I have the original 1/60 version, but after seeing these pics, This is a definite purchase for my collection, Any possible ETA when it might release??

    And for all us 2-seater fans, lets hope the VE-1 & VT-1 DYRL versions are in development too!!!

    Thanks for the Wonderfest photos!!!


  4. Either way my Friend, it looks awesome!! The rust on the engine exhaust looks great!! I just ordered a VF-0D And a pre-ordered some VF-0B models for my collection. HLJ will be reselling them in August, you should check that out as your next kit, The 2 seater designs are usually the best!! Take care man!!!!

  5. I have been waiting for years for there to be a good version of the Mospeada Ride-Armor to be made and this one looks like it!! By far better than the CMs version or Toynami's entries. If you look carefully at the pictures behind the engine there is even a coiled shock system in the back. Plus Stick/Scott Bernard looks like the Anime character this time, Not a toy gone wrong!!

    I agree the legs are a little on the narrow side, but look how the figure sits on the bike, perfectly!! The hands, Helmet, even his pulse rifle look detailed! Even my old school Gakken 1/8 Ride Armor (I have 4 of them) never sat properly, even the latest new versions do not look right!!

    So even if Beagle is a new company, just from what I have seen, I'll take my chances and for once own a perfect version Ride Armor, Glad i waited !!!

    Who knows, if these do well, maybe the Legioss & Tread will follow, they will look better than whats out now!!!!!

  6. Hi there, Not sure what they are worth or cost, but wondering if anyone out there has the Macross Zero Hasegawa Model kits of either the VF-0B (2 seater) or the low vis. VF-0A 1:72 scale kits. I know these 2 kits are long out of production, but thought i would try anyhow. Thanks!!

  7. I like the scale size of the 1/48 carrier, but I think the detail to the 1/72 carrier is much more impressive, or its just laid out better. I have been sketching out the plans and how to get some thing build as of now. Thanks for the info Warpaint22, I thought I had remembered reading some where that the Auska II was a smaller size carrier. Who knows, maybe by the time I get thing underway, the Cheyenne Destroid will be available to build. But I do agree, the tower/island is gonna be tricky.

    Thanks everyone !!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Thanks Hal9000, I was thinking the Auska II as well, especially since it is not a real carrier, I could probably fake a lot of items on it, where as to a Nimitz class carrier, it would have to be precise so no one could point out all the faults... However, where can I get some pictures or stats of the Auska II? Hmmmm......?

    Keep you all posted and remember, if you have a day dream, make it real!! B))

  9. More on Hasegawa kits:


    VF-1J w Super Parts & "SVF-21 Black Aces scheme" July release

    VF-1A "VF-2 Sonic Birds" June release

    In the link provided here, there are some pictures of a Mospeada ride-armor, I know its a bit off topic, but that version is awesome, looks like a precision design as appose to others for sale right now, anybody know whos makin that one??

  10. Hi Everyone for years now I have been drooling over the idea of having a 1:72 scale Aircraft carrier. After seeing Macross Zero, I am pretty well convinced I want one now (I know the story wasn't that good, but still) and it will be a challenge. What I am thinking though, is a Nimitz class carrier would be easier on design as finding info or reference pictures to go by, However if I did the Auska II, I am not sure where to get some detailed picture from for design of the ship.... Its definitely different from a Nimitz class carrier.

    Another macross world member sent me some pictures of a guy who made a carrier years ago like this, haven't seen those pics for years, but if could , So can I.

    Keep you all posted!!

  11. I don't remember seeing any SV-51 battroids, but that doesn't mean they don't exist :)

    And for your 1/72 aircraft carrier, it took this guy 19 years to scratchbuild the USS Enterprise. Maybe start with a hangar? :D

    Thanks for the pictures, Its just a loss for words when you see that Carrier, un-frickin real how he did that, But I'll have one some day!! Peace!!!

  12. Thanks everyone for the input, especially the pictures of that 1/72 scale Enterprise carrier, very impressive... By the way, last time I saw that carrier and pictures was like back in 1985 in an old Boy scouts magazine I had, since then I always thought it would amazing to have one. Any by no means am I rich or retired, but I figure it will be a hell of a challenge and I always wanted to try it, So I am gonna go for it. Keep you all posted!!!

  13. Hey Guys, since i can not afford the Yamato version of Macross Zero toys, I've decided to build a small armada of the Hasegawa model kits instead, what I was wondering is, did they ever make a series of 1/72 scale SV-51's in Battroid mode? Or just in the fighter mode?

    Was hoping to add a few customs Battroid color schemes to the collection. Also, I want to make a 1/72 scale Aircraft Carrier to hold all these guys, I have some plans drawn up, if i can just make room in my garage.... Might be the Auska II or a Nimitz class carrier, depends if I can make the control tower properly.

    Happy building to All !!!!

  14. Well I for one have seen up to episode 6, Thought is was great!! Just waiting for part 7 now... Its only gonna be 26 episodes?? Oh well, better to have quality than quantity. But also if you think about the original series, there were lots of episodes where the Animation suffered. So even with modern CGI and anime, your bound too have a few scenes that seem rushed.

    Overall an amazing series!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Hope theres room for one more Macross frontier opinion or discussion thread!!!

    Hey guys, Just wanted to know what everyone's opinion of Macross Frontier is so far? Its been a long time since the original TV series debuted and the Macross DYRL movie, plus the other series in between, But so far from what i have seen on Youtube and www.veoh.com This series is really enjoyable, the Vajra is a fascinating enemy so far as to what it is or where it comes from... The animation is top notch and the music is really good. Usually by now with most new Anime series (I'm an old school kinda guy) they would have had me saying "Done!" by now, but this is one I really want to keep watching. The VF-25 is awesome and the revamped VF-17's with the VE-1 type equipment are awesome.

    So far the Vajra enemy/aliens reminds a bit of the original Gunbuster series, I know were talkin Macross here, but its the best other OVA series out there and example. So far I am not stuck with a million questions like Evangelion and no answers, though that series did kick ass too.

    Any how, what do you guys think, pro's, con's, positives & negatives???!!!!

  16. Good pix n all, but I hate to nitpick but you need to turn that super hikaru into a strike hikaru! You took a pix of the 1S doing the infamous last battle pose and yet there's no cannon on it! sad.... ^_^

    Maybe this is more of what you had in mind, I went and dug out my VF-1 Strike armor box and put the cannons on, plus the missile packs and sling!! Looks a bit more deadly now!!


  17. Its been interesting to see the different opinions made and claimed here since I added this original post. I think the part that makes me scratch my head more than anything are the people who complain about either "Why do we need a documentary?" or "the answers are already there, what more do you need?". Above all, this is supposed to be a prequel, which means it should lead up to the original story. And remember guys, this is to the events of Macross DYRL, not the TV Series. If this was only about a secret operation, why not just call it "The Roy Fokker Chronicles".

    But as was done in Macross Plus, I still say they should take the best parts of Macross Zero and add in about about 30 or so minutes of all new scenes and a real ending. Give an ending, do I dare say it.... Like how Gundam 0083 ended, great ending, All loose pieces all tied up.

    Again, why sit and say, the series was so-so or yeah I guess, or my personal favorite, who cares I am all about the new series now. Why not go back and turn what was a masterpiece of art and design and obliviously rushed at times and probably budget cut series into probably the best macross series to date.

    Long story short is that Anime is a business, and its about money. I will bet that if they revisited it and reworked it, made a series of improvements. People who have a negative opinion or just a lack of enthusiasm, would do a 180 on Macross Zero and see how great it is.

    But its just my opinion....

  18. I was among the supporters of the idea of everything being in 1/48 scale, but lots of people pissed and moaned that the YF-19 and YF-21 would be too big. :rolleyes: Since the VF-0, YF-19, SV-51, and YF-21 are being done in 1/60 scale, with the VF-1s being redone in 1/60, just stick with 1/60. Imagine doing the MKII Monster in 1/48 though! It would be awesome huge! :D

    And, yes, 505thAirborne, the new 1/60 scale VF-1s will be close to the same size as the old 1/60 scale valkyries, because they are in the same scale and they're supposed to be the same valkyrie. So even though the 1/60 VF-1 will be smaller than the VF-0, SV-51, YF-19, and YF-21, those valks are all normally larger than the VF-1 anyway.

    Glad to know I am not alone on the 1/48 theory!! Well at least the new 1/60's should match up well with old ones!!

  19. Maybe I missed it in another or part of this thread, But does this mean that the New 1/60 scale VF-1's will be the same size as the original Diecast version 1/60's from a few years ago?? Just that they will be as detailed (so they say) and transform much like the 1/48 series?

    Maybe i am wrong, but it would have been cool just to make All the Valkyries from Macross Zero & Plus in 1/48. So what if they would have been big or huge... Would anyone really have complained, especially with the prices and issues. But thats just my opinion. Frankly a 1/48 scale VF-0A would have been awesome to match with my VF-1S & 1A!!

    Lets just hope Yamato does a Low Vis. 1 and 2 seater models for the new 1/60's!!

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