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Posts posted by 505thAirborne

  1. IMO, it's been a great time to be a Macross fan since about year 2000 or maybe 2002 onwards.


    Its always been a great time to be a Macross fan!!!!!!!! Macross is an Anime unlike any other, whether there was a series that we really liked or could have done without, doesn't matter. We all got together as friends and devoted fans to talk about & complain about it!!! We've laughed, we've cried and even said Holy %*$^#@!! that was awesome!!!

    For me I always feel nostalgic when watch Macross, I saw Robotech on the very day it debuted in 1985, I was still in 4th grade and ran home everyday after to tape it on my VCR (That's pre DVD and DVR for some of you, j/k) I saw a bootleg copy of Macross DYRL later in 85' and was hooked ever since. Even though macross 7 wasn't great, its still a part of macross History!!

    Just like "Sharky" said, I remember going to conventions or too Little Tokyo at the Pony Toy Go Round at Yohan Plaza, Los Angeles just to look at all the new toys and model kits that were out!! And its true, back in the day people would be like Anime whats that.... "you mean speed racer??" So its come along way, Anime. But macross will always be the most the special and dedicated or series because of its fan base and Websites like macrossworld.com!!!

    Macross 4 life!!!!!

  2. I was trying to convince the guy that made the 1/48 ThunderHammer to make me a Macross... kinda getting tired of waiting for these companies to step up.

    If the same guy who made the Thunder Hammer, makes a SDF-1 for you, Safe to safe you'll have the ultimate envy item in your collection. Sad to say it may be a while before anyone in Japan realizes we want a big SDF-1!!!

  3. I can't see why Yamato, Bandai, Hasegawa or any other takers (Minus Toynami of course) wouldn't take a swing at making a new version SDF-1 like the Original 1980's release!!?? There's definitely a profit to be made!! I have 2 of them and for the time when they were made and the technology available, they are still impressive, can you imagine how it would look now!!!

    I agree that the WAVE 1/5000 is compact and detailed. But it still lacks a major punch in Size, its the SDF-1 it

    should be big!! A 1/3000 or 1/2000 scale and reissued in both the TV series & DYRL versions!!!

  4. I agree with Gubaba, Hasegawa has the skills & detail to make exquisite Aircraft models and the VF-0S Battroid is no less of perfection. So I agree, a set of gerwalk Valks is in order!! The VF-1's and Zeros would be a great start!!

    I'd say the Macross II VF-2SS in all 3 separate modes for max detail, but I'll bet that's another licensing battle with Bandai or others.... :blink:

  5. It wouldn't matter as long as Yamato still can make stuff from Macross VFX2, as the Protect Armor for the VF-11 is in that game. :)

    I can't remember ever seeing a Brown VF-11. The dark grey VF-11B in Macross Plus, the CF white VF-11C, the Pink Peckers VF-11... And the VFX Ravens VF-11.

    Now the questions are: Does Yamato still have the Macross VFX2 license? And if Yamato did have the Macross VFX2 license, would they make the Protect Armor?

    That's a good question as far as the VFX2 Licensing goes, But lets see what the new VF-11B will look like 1st, because, if it is as good as I think we are all hoping it looks, Than I can't see why the various Armor packs wouldn't follow suit.

    Also, not sure if I missed it in the other postings, any rumors if the New VF-11 even comes with the Std FP's Isamu has in the opening scene of the OVA, Sorry if this question has already been asked!!

  6. I WILL be pissed if they make the Hikaru and Minmay exclusive and bring out the normal 2 pilots 1D release out for the masses instead.

    That would suck!! After all the waiting I want to see the VF-1D with Minmay & Hikaru, Not std pilots, I have the Original VF-1D and never was happy with the pilots they chose!! Maybe Hasegawa should start making toys, they are anal for details!!!

  7. As for me I am probably one of the rarer Macross fans who loves the VF-1D, I actually like it better than the VT-1. But as far modernizing it for the sake of Yamato to speed up production or what not, that's kinda weak. If your going to make a certain Valkyrie, then make it the way it was originally designed. And speaking of better or other scans, when you can not find them, go to the source... your DVD's. The other pic is of Hasegawa's 1/72 model version of the VF-1D and that's what it should look like.

    Just a shame they'll never do a 1/48 and this is apparently what the new 1/60 v.2 is gonna look like. But then again, its just my opinion..... <_<




  8. After over a year, i got tired at looking at one of my Display Cabinets.. Fortunately i manage to squeeze my time at work and went home for a day.. Work's been keeping me from staying home and enjoy some stuff like computer and just by watching my stuff.




    the rest are either in their boxes or at my room cabinet.. here's my display cab:


    That is a sick & sexy collection you have there my friend!!! Love the Valkyrie line-up!! :D

  9. It would be amazing to have a 1/60 version, no doubt about it, But definitely size and what one would cost, It be either a down payment on a house or new car!!! :p

  10. Well after all the delays that have occurred with the VF-11B, I just hope it is a very accurate looking Valkyrie that is true to the anime and has every detailed matched up correctly.

    And even if the pilot sizes a slightly off between a VF-1 & a VF-11 pilot, well just keep those valk's on separate shelves!!

    And just think...... Accurate landing gear this time, Holy cow!!!! :D

  11. HAHAHA! Awesome stuff DiabloM 350Z on scale with the VF-1... hehehe... priceless Roy rules!

    ahh...the patented misterryno angelpose...perfect!

    505thAirborne, that's a great collection and sick customs!! any plans on doing more customs?? the VF-19 rocks!

    Thank you for the compliments!! I am waiting for Hobby Link Japan to get resupplied on the Macross Zero VF-0B 1/72 kits, and get a few of the VF-0D kits too, I'm going to try a few different custom paint schemes on those kits. Hopefully down the road do some work on other Valkyries as well!! B))

    This is the other VF-19!! Peace!!!



  12. anyone else curious about how they'll do the heat shield?

    However they redesign the Heat shield, it couldn't be any worse than the original design. But seeing how its been done for the VF-1's & VF-0's, I think Yamato will have a good concept to work with!!

    If anyone has any preview pictures in the future, don't be shy to share them!!

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