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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. Dear MACROSS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! Lets hope we can celebrate for another 25 years!!!
  2. Well It looks like my posting definitely reached quite a few macross fans out there. Looks like everyone has their views as far as "well it wasn't my favorite, so what ever..." To more of my view point which is "lets go back and rework this puppy to its full potential" Either way Macross Zero as a whole is a good series, Could be better though. But lets face it, Anime in Japan is what Hollywood Movie making is here in the USA. When your funding gets dropped or cut, you make do with what you have. I always wondered why it was only 5 episodes long. I just hope this new Macross series coming up is well funded, well written and a clear ending. So what ever your opinion is, Your entitled to it and please share it. We can only hope that MACROSS is here to stay for a very long time to come. P.S. Haruhiko Mikimoto is still the best character designer out there, Hopefully Shoji K. and Him will patch things up and go to work again in the macross world.
  3. Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone else out there feels like I do, Some what lost after watching Macross Zero. Though the animation and action sequences are amazing and even the music is pretty good. I just felt the story was very rushed and like X-files, way to many questions left unanswered. the same way that they took Macross Plus and made new footage, extra dialog for it to tie up the loose ends. I feel that they should take a swing and do the same for Macross Zero. And no more reusing or repeating the same scenes to save time. Would be nice to get a better background on Shin, Roy, A better view of the Macross when it crashed. Lets meets the newly formed UN Spacy and Anti-UN forces. Was that the same City-Ship under the sea as we saw in DYRL ?? I don't mean to ramble. But it would just be such a great piece of Anime with such potential, to be completed. Make it a full and satisfying Film, not something that got rushed into production. And yes, how about a recap ending, instead of just Shin flying off into the sunset. What happens to Roy afterwards (Yes I know the TV series and DYRL) Show the Anti UN surrender, Explain why the VF-0 Phoenix was replaced, What happens Mao. you know, start a story and end it. Let be honest, enough requests and interest. Big West, Bandai and Yamato will see the $$$ signs. What do you guys & gals think?
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