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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. We're cheering you on Cristina that you get well & feel better!!! This way Hikuro can finish his film, we all want to see it!!!
  2. Grace is so evil, maybe thats why.... But she is an easy costume, Hot too!!
  3. For someone like me who is on a budget for keeping there collection going and at the price for the VF-25, Is the kit worth getting? Detail, quality or over all appearance. Really want one, but for some reason, I'm hesitant.
  4. Anyone can see those are the older Version 1 1/60 scales!! If you want to compare a 1/48 version of the VF-1D, Macrossman has one in his gallery pictures.
  5. We need to see a VF-0D 1st before the a 0C gets released and even that might be a stretch. Not sure if ts some issue with licensing or not, But why the SDF-1 TV & a DYRL version are not on Yamato's list is beyond me. Can anyone here really say they wouldn't want a highly detailed Yamato SDF-1???? I know I do!!!
  6. The more I look at the VF-25 1/60, I'm still not fully into it, but its not that bad. Battroid & Gerwalk look pretty good, But in Fighter mode its landing gear up!!!
  7. Well said!!! MACROSS DYRL/TV version, Battle Frontier & Galaxy then a properly scale sized Macross Quarter, works for me. 2ft Tall, its a ambitious but they could do it, for what these toys can cost, I'd rather pay more & get my bang for the buck. More metal & alloy parts. To much breakage lately, time to go old school!!
  8. Hey Guys, I figured before the other threads start going off topic, I would start one for the Macross Quarter from Macross Frontier. So far a few pictures have surfaced sparking alot of interest and alot of speculation that one might be in the works or just to mess with our heads. So with that being said, If Bandai were to put out a well detailed Macross Quarter. would you buy one? and what scale would you prefer. Like the WAVE SDF-1 in 1/5000, or do we get for real and have a 1/3000 like the old school SDF-1? Lets hear from ya!!
  9. Say what you want, but that cockpit is way to cramped!! Transformation or budget purposes, its still to tight. Although I agree with you ruskiiVFaussie, Gonna have to wait & see if they make any final adjustments, I really hope they do. This and the VF-11B are the two I am really waiting too buy $$. And now we play the waiting game.......
  10. Ishtar & Sylvie, Super HOT!!!!! Simple enough for ya?
  11. Ok so basically these newer VF-0's will still be 1/60 scale, but will have new/redesigned Arms & shoulders correct?? Haven't been keeping up on this thread as you can see.
  12. For now, keep it in the box, its definitely a collectors item. There is a new 1/60 scale version from Yamato in the works, but that may still be awhile from now. Til then, enjoy your VF-11B!!!!
  13. Have a little faith my friend, stranger things have happened with Yamato so far. A VF-0D could easily be in the works!!!!!! As you can see I want one too!! I love the new Defender (cough, cough Radar-X....cough) was always one of my favorites, 4 big cannons, simple, raw, love it!! Bring on the Spartan next!!!!
  14. Holy %#%@%!!~!, The Macross Quarter!!! That would beyond awesome, more pics, more pics!!
  15. Not bad for Legos, Those are actually pretty cool lookin!!! Nice job!!
  16. Why the VF-0D has not been built or released yet is beyond me. But I say make it!!! Even do some different color variations!! In the OVA there are Blue & grey paint schemes, maybe even do an old school TV series VF-1D color scheme?? And all 3 remaining Destroids. I'd say a 1/60 MAC II... But that would be dam big & dam expensive!!!
  17. I don't think it would cost that much, You can still get a Miria 639 Power suit for about $100.00 offline or "ebay" sometimes even cheaper and that it a 1/60 scale toy!! Making the Enemy fighters & Pods in 1/60 shouldn't be too difficult, especially considering they DO NOT transform, just lots of moving parts, So that keeps the cost alot lower and if all plastic & the detail of Max & Miria's units, were in good shape!!
  18. All Enemy, All Pods, fighters & power suits!!! TV series & DYRL!!! 1/5000 scale Zentradi battleships too!!! Same size as the WAVE SDF-1's.
  19. That YF-21 is wicked!! If Guld had that fighter paint scheme, That X-9 Ghost would have run like hell!!!!
  20. Just out of dumb luck while was at the hobby shop, they had small 3 oz. cans of Krylon's hobby paint/short cuts. Good stuff & cheaper than Tamiya or Testors spray paints!! Its called Antique bronze, but its identical to testors Jet exhaust color. Nice even coats!! As for the panel lining (Because I can not use an airbrush machine to save my life) I just outlined everything with thick sharpie black pens, and when the painting was done... Got the idea from here on MW, to go over the paint with a wipe down of watered down black paint, takes a while but works pretty good. A nice aged look to it. I've had a few free days from work, so once I get into a model, Its all or nothing!!!
  21. Well this is the 1st one done. My new VF-0D in SDF TV series colors. I'll never be a pro model builder, but true what they that your next model is always your best!!! I am still trying local some 1/72 scale VF-2 Bounty Hunters decals for my VF-0B, so til then, this one is ready to fly!! Enjoy!!
  22. Hey Jardann, Thanks for the good words!! Yeah nothing worse then when you pull the tape off and then you see those little excess paint spots that bleed through. But they're coming along nicely. I'll show some finished product pics later today or tomorrow!!
  23. Helps to have a few days off to work on your new kits!!! A few update shots, So far they are lookin good!! A little touch up here & there, then its decal time!!
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