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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. For sure the Zombie Bomb was the ultimate WTF moment of the episode! They serious need to find some more people willing to help & Ammo or come up their own version of a Daedalus Attack and hit back! And yes no mechanical Spiders!
  2. So Say We All!!
  3. Love the comedy act and your VF-4 Flashback paint scheme is killer, love it!!
  4. A slow start, great middle and one of the Best Shootout scenes since HEAT, Pay back has gotta be on the menu! Zor, nice video of Kevin Smith. I've seen that before and its a awesome story! (Giant Spider!)
  5. 505thAirborne

    Its Official!

    Careful you don't contract "Kicker-itis" after this first VF purchase!
  6. Nice!
  7. I kinda like this one, but I agree it has a slight Vertigo effect on the eyes!
  8. What he said!! 1/48
  9. If these ever get made (And I hope they do) I'd be in for one. Max Jenius of course!
  10. If you mean "Classic" crappy super low budget movies, then SyFy (Screw You Frak You) sets the record for this legacy!
  11. Definitely the SDF-1 headed for South Ataria Island
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nw0gjw1XIIk&feature=youtu.be
  13. Well.... this is crappy news to read. @Kyp I prefer as a famous sci-fi character quote "Its in the frakking ship"
  14. Call me crazy but it was fun to see Battlestar Galactica again on TV, even if just for 2 hrs.
  15. You have a very cool friend, my neighbor used to work for Universal in the animation dept. Its really a shame that this is probably it for BSG B&C. I'd love to see what Brian Singer can come up with.
  16. Since I love Aircraft carriers this one looks really cool. The Photo-etch parts make all the difference!
  17. It was a home made Resin kit someone made years ago and was recently selling them on Evilbay...there not horrible but need alot of TLC to look Awesome! This is what mine looks like, eventually I'll have the interior done and side pieces mounted.
  18. Superb looking VF-0S and the detail to Roy is really impressive!
  19. That sounds like a good solution. I have a 1:1 Roy Focker TV Helmet and thought of using that as a base to make as you said "An open faced M-0 helmet" as the forward Visor and mask section, thats where it gets a bit dodgy!
  20. Thats awesome, I've been working on a Mac Zero uniform for a while now but having a accurate helmet, now thats the real issue. Can't wait to see yours in action!!
  21. Ok, so it wasn't just me that got that vibe.
  22. According to BSG Blood & Chromes Facebook page, SyFy is now going to show the 2hr movie on February 10th...a Sunday...the same night and time as the Walking Dead season premier. Honestly, what the Frak?!
  23. If your going as Roy & Shin do take some pics! Are you going in actual flight suits?
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