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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. I like it!! Perfect shade of green and the rifle sling is a nice touch, I need to get a few of those for my Valks!
  2. Thanks for the recommendation derex, just ordered a pair! The MADOX-01 & VF-1 are looking tip-top so far!!
  3. You need to start your own Model & Toy company!!
  4. Thought I want to get the Photo Etch parts parts, I'll wait til I get another Mercury Class ship, as well figure out how to make my own LED lighting kit, I've seen a few on Ebay and other sites, way too pricey. For now I am loving this kit. Sucker is big & heavy! Since its not raining or snowing today, good day for painting!
  5. YES, YES, YES!!!! Its has arrived!!! A couple of size comparison shots between the Bucket & the Beast. The detail on this kit is very impressive!
  6. So many awesome projects in the works, I totally dig it! From the MGS gun, The Enterprise, Tanks, PEGASUS and now an Alaska base VF-1, very cool!!
  7. Definitely a Gatling Gun but what exact model or series its from escapes me. Thats one big Ammo drum.
  8. Articles like that only tell me one thing, pay the whopping $10.00, go the see the film for yourself then form an actual opinion. Some many times I've heard/read (TV, Online) why a movie sucks, Oscar worthy or was lame, then I watch it & walk a away with two thoughts... Well that person nailed it on the head for sucking, or damn that person needs to lay off the weed, cause that was indeed awesome.
  9. Off to a great start Thom, my Beast is in the hands of Fedex, early next week I hope.
  10. One hell of a way to let us know hes still alive & breathing!! Epic piece of Art!!
  11. Too much Armor awesomeness on this page! I like the TV Max 1A with fast packs, gonna get set for mine!
  12. Just about everything in the trailer is awesome, the music doesn't sound like Inception, Superman looks awesome, I really like his suit design, doesn't look like Iron Man too me, Michael Shannon as Gen. Zod should be interesting to say the least (Hes a great actor), they use his Kryptonian name Kal-El which is a nice touch and that close up of the A-10's!! I'll go see this one.
  13. Even cooler, shame on me for not recognizing that one!
  14. Frak I wish I could be there, Haruhiko Mikimoto is my Hero!!!!!!!
  15. I always think of "Ding Dong the wicked Witch is Dead" when my old Boss or Ex would piss me off, however I would replace the "W" with a "B".
  16. Absolutely amazing Dobber, I love the way the Cosmo Zero came out especially with the wings folded, gear & canopy opened. My wallet however hates you $$$ wise as I really want to get one of these now!
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