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Everything posted by 505thAirborne

  1. While I know @Mog is waiting patiently for news on a Tread, I'm wondering if a Dark Legioss is in the works? I'd like to see that happen. And yes, I'm still harping on the idea of Sentinel making original TV version ride-armors, I'll buy those in a heartbeat.
  2. I've been wondering this as well on whether the price stays high or goes down, also how many will dump their old Yamato's altogether in favor of the DX YF-21?
  3. I straight up smiled & damn near teared up for a quick second. I wonder if this is all they'll do or try to make more short films? I'd happily chip in to help out.
  4. Gorgeous looking Kakizaki 1A! Is that your own custom weathering or is that the super rare Weathered edition? Either way. looks amazing!
  5. For a fan made film this turned out pretty damn cool. The costume designer nailed Nausicaa's outfit IMO.
  6. That too, it needs to be like the VD-0D plastic.
  7. So, what's your take on the color of the VF-0A, is it looking accurate or in need of changes? Getting those modex numbers correct seems to be a real headache for them.
  8. I was having some coffee and I just caught that & you're correct in that using some VF-1D parts would speed up a mockup display.
  9. Anyone else notice that the VT-1 has a TV style cockpit control stick & HUD.
  10. As others have pointed out, I love how Hikaru & Misa are properly sized and not tiny like the VF-1J or Max 1A pilots. The tent is a nice touch too.
  11. If I can get at least one, I'll be stoked!
  12. It looks amazing, I've been wanting a VT-1 in 1/48 forever. PO night is going to be nuts!
  13. The box art is absolutely gorgeous! The kits are molded in their respected colors and with a quality paint job, wash & decals... these should look really good. The ELTREUM measures just about 14 inches long, so that's pretty cool!
  14. STAYC performing live in London and giving the audience one heck of a show. Funny side story, when they performed in Texas someone in wardrobe goofed up by giving Isa & Sumin Ranger Jersey's, one big snafu is they were not for the Texas Rangers but for a Football league in Scotland, The Glasgow Rangers... whoops. The plus side is before the show in London STAYC got a full access tour of the team's stadium, star players, mascot & team owners plus their own personalized jerseys, so in the end that honest mistake in Dallas had a huge reward in the UK.
  15. Same here, I was going to listen to that new song this morning and then I realized you had it posted, though no longer with us John Lennon still gifts us with an amazing Beatles tune!
  16. @davidwhangchoi & @no3Ljm You all have excellent taste in music!!
  17. @Angesdad That custom 0D is looking good, I like the weathering. Keep the progress pics coming! As for me, this just arrived. For $113.00 shipped Via DHL from Mandarake, I figured why not & now I have two VF-0D's. As you can see, Mandarake takes packing seriously and my 0D box is spotless!
  18. RIP Matthew, thank you for so many years of entertainment & all the laughs.
  19. If all of the above is true, then that is messed up as I'd much rather get a reissue by Arcadia.
  20. As someone who was broke as hell during the Yamato 1/60 days and refuses to pay the really high 2nd market prices, I'll try and grab one of these. I love the YF-21 with a passion, while the Yamato 21 definitely looks better in Fighter mode all day long the DX Battroid looks ok to me. It will have to do until Arcadia tracks down its old molds for a reissue or builds an all new one... which will most likely never happen.
  21. Looks amazing Captain!! However, I spy with my little eye something equally cool in the background.
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