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Major Focker

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Everything posted by Major Focker

  1. thanks for the update. at least it's confirmed they're the source for these?
  2. oh, that's the Elysion! i thought it was the Quarter. so the Uraga is supposed to be 1/3 of the B7 but here looks like over 1/2, ie. too big the Elysion is supposed to be 1-2 to 2/3 of the B7, but is way too small here.
  3. is the bigger one the Battle 25 or 7? was it released earlier and where to get one? the sign on the back says __ K Models. there's an ebay seller named GK Models who sells MaK and Macross resin stuff. i wonder if it's the same. i suppose the MQ in the foreground is the Mechacolle? would be cool if the Battle and Uraga were scaled to that. definite WANTs!
  4. i was stalking that sideshow page for a while but i couldn't pull the trigger for fear of of the current shipping limbo and shipment prices. so it was fortunate a local PO showed up. the price is $345, but that's already landed cost. definitely cheaper if one does not count or mind the pre-requisite purchases, which i happen to want anyway. guess i got a lucky break
  5. it's a local comic store chain in Manila. probably a COVID thing to drive extra sales. or maybe the holo IM is a much more limited production run. the WM Punisher i got from them previously was just a straight up PO.
  6. finally scored a War Machine Neon Tech from a local store. so relieved not having to deal with shipping uncertainty (and cost!) was also able to place a PO for the holographic Iron Man. was made to jump through hoops though. to be eligible to place the PO, one has to have purchased or PO'd 2 other HT products in the past 3 months. good thing i was late placing my PO for Mandalorian w/ Child and it fell within that eligibility period, and the WM Neon Tech counted as the 2nd purchase. the holo IM was about 30% cheaper than usual. i suppose due to the lack of die cast.
  7. yup, same reason why i ditched my iphone many years ago. you either completely commit to the ecosystem or not at all.
  8. i might pick up Faye to go with my 1/4 bunnies. meantime, there's this at half the size:
  9. lol, yeah. blast would be an understatement for me. Sekiro has the distinction (or ignominy?) of being the only game that had me howling at the screen "who's the puppy?!" when i finally beat Lady Butterfly. on the other extreme end, i was in a buddha-like state of serenity and enlightenment when instead of running/dodging away and taking cheap shots to whittle away that flaming bull's health over a looooong period, i decided to stand my ground and parry for all i was worth. i took him down in seconds, thus my ascension to nirvana.
  10. yep, Sekiro is definitely great. it's actually how i ended up checking out Jedi Fallen Order and then now Nioh 2. sadly, neither one is as satisfying as Sekiro. JFO i've put on hold. loved the story, setting, force powers, and even the platforming elements. but the core combat itself is a tad mushy, mainly because there's virtually no such thing as consecutive perfect parries, and there's very little incentive, if any, for doing so. i'm enjoying Nioh 2 a lot more than JFO. there's a parry mechanic, though mostly optional, but there are other timed-counters with satisfying rewards, and blocks are not just an oops button. the sheer variety of weapons, skills, and move sets is staggering yet sufficiently distinct. you CAN bring a knife to a sword fight and still win, if you smartly play to your strengths. i am enjoying it immensely, but also for the same reasons, it is not Sekiro, which is singularly focused on its elegant and highly tuned core mechanic: parry or die. there's just nothing else that rises to the level of staring down the onslaught of a 7-hit combo and split-second parrying each. and every. frackin. one to create your opening. well, except maybe a charging flaming bull.
  11. from Amiami? i got mine from there at 30k a few weeks before it went on further sale at 24k. fortunately it was shipped out before the shipping clamp down and paid 5k to ship. so i guess it kinda evens out.
  12. at least they included a Bozanian saucer. i guess my cats can take turns as monster of the week.
  13. if you ship via Fedex or DHL and the shipment is taxed by customs upon arrival, Fedex/DHL will collect any tax due from you when they deliver at your door if the seller hasn't already charge you tax deposit upon purchase (eg. Buyee and most other sellers like HLJ/HS/Amiami). if the seller already withheld tax (eg. Amazon JP charged you a tax deposit), then likely Fedex and DHL won't collect any tax from you unless there was an additional assessment by customs. for all other shipping methods (including EMS, ironically) you will need to pick up and pay tax personally, except if the seller already withheld tax and customs deemed it sufficient.
  14. my head and education is telling me i got the tornado pronunciation correct all these years, but the Spanish version is strangely compelling, lol
  15. AmazonJP tends to be very conservative in their tax estimation, typically more than 50% higher than what the final tax ended up being in my experience. they do refund the difference though. unfortunately, that also incurs some forex losses as the conversion happens twice - your payment and then the refund. the worst thing about this however, is that there's a fairly good chance that the customs officer looking at the import declarations will either simply take that higher tax estimate as fact (ie. no refund then from Amazon), or worse, include that tax withheld estimate as part of the landed cost (ie. part of taxable amount) -- essentially a tax on a tax . it doesn't happen often, but it can and has. so for my bigger purchases, i usually route it to consolidators/forwarders like Buyee so that actual taxes are computed upon arrival, rather than bloatedly estimated prior to shipment. domestic Japan shipping is normally free anyway for big companies like Amazon; so there's no loss there except time/delay.
  16. thanks for confirming. i read a review of the silver version some years ago where the reviewer complained it was predominantly plastic. good to hear this colored version is different.
  17. btw, i've just realized that the DX Voltes is about 1/160 scale, ie. close enough to N-scale (1/150) train stuff
  18. according to NY shipping calculator (JPN to PH): EMS - 8900 JPY, SAL - 5700 Amiami/HS/HLJ shipping would probably be about 10-20% cheaper also note that when buying stuff >$200, AmazonJP will also compute for import tax if destination is PH, and they have a tendency to overestimate on the tax. you might be better off getting a local PO. there's a few of them still ongoing (Php 36-39K). the risk of course is that some of these locals might not actually receive enough stock from Bandai. the most reliable is Greattoys, but their PO is priced at 39k PLUS shipping. i would have placed with them otherwise. the way i see it, my PO from Amiami would probably be 56k+9k = 65k JPY or about 30k Php. if it gets taxed upon import, that will run up to 36k. so i went ahead and placed a local PO at that price. IF my Amiami order is not taxed by the customs guys (it still happens, i just picked up my Fewture Garland last week sent from Amiami and it wasn't taxed), and/or the 9k JPY assumed shipping cost is less than expected, then i potentially could save as much as Php 8k over the local PO, or at worst just price parity. at this point i probably should be saying that i will then sell one of them, but that's probably not going to happen
  19. that Boss Borot looks great! are the hoses/tubes metal or rubber? how much of the figure is diecast?
  20. if it was the Arcadia with the skull on the bow and the same gimmicks, i think i would bite. i don't particularly like the Arcadia design from the Harlock movie, but if an SOC of it was made with functioning axially rotating turrets, i'd likely bite too. .
  21. nabbing a PO of this on Amiami was consolation for my utter failure in the Roy VF-1S madness. i needed more consolation so i booked another PO with a local store. also to hedge that i get at least one of this grail epic
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