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Everything posted by dakedo

  1. Great review thanks Renato
  2. For the ones who bought it, what are your impressions? I already bought the DYRL and SDFM 30TH LE boxes, I am running out of money and if my wife ever knows I may run out of wife too, hahaha I want to buy these boxes too, something inside me is forcing me to, maybe its the Spiritia... BUT, I wanted to know what do you think of it before placing the order, hehehe CANT FIGHT THIS FEELING!!! MUST HAVE IT!!! BUT MUST ASK FIRST!!!...
  3. Ya pedi los nuevos juegos para el PS3. Mientras estoy jugando DYRL para el PS2. Ohh si..
  4. SDF Macross es la mejor para mi. Es una historia sombria; la musica,tipica de finales de los 70s inicios de los 80s, es más que adecuada; aunque la animación tiene muchos errores, pues para mi es lo mejor de todas las series de Macross. En segundo lugras Macross 7 sin duda, Mylene es el mejor personaje pro mucho.
  5. Annoying first 10 seconds intro, but after that there is a somewhat cool trailer for DYRL with latin american Spanish dub.
  6. I will be cautious!! Thanks!! Mm I think I will better not tell my wife I am buying this hehehe, having the fence painted can wait another year haha
  7. Great I just updated a fandub for DYRL in Spanish I found a couple of weeks ago, adding subs for this new scene. This goes directly to family members just to show them what awesome stuff they have been missing.
  8. Do you guys have the latest correct translation?
  9. Thanks for the responses, I am sooo buying this !!!!
  10. Ok silly question, What does the average Macross fan feel about Star Wars? Is Star Wars better than Macross? Why? I would say, Macross is like 1000 times better than Star Wars, and the Star Wars prequels are there as my proof! I rest my case! haha no, really, what do you think? I had this thought on some other thread... Star Wars has the force, which used to be the thing that bounds everything the Universe, which was a cool idea.... Then the force became, just a bunch of bacteriae that likes to run on certain family trees. So not anyone can be a jedi, only a few can use the force. In Macross we have Spiritia, which is cool, I like it, we all have it, we can all create it , it is not some sort of blue blood kings family heritage crap as in Star Wars, we all have it! Well, what do you think? Want to add some comparisson? Its a real topic, not trying to troll, if you like Star Wars its ok, I used to love it.
  11. One more question folks. I am seriously thinking about buying this ( the complete edition with the book and all); already bought the DYRL BD 30th Anyversay LE Thing is I live in Mexico (yeah I will have to save on tacos for a year to buy this one, hehe, and sell my donkey, haha), not,.. really, I see there is a very good price in Amazon Japan, so I was wondering why this site is offering this product for around 13000 yens less than other sites. Whats the deal there? Is there a catch? Maybe they do not ship to everywhere?
  12. I just ordered it woooohoooo! I dont mind too much about the few seconds that were cut out, actually I want to initiate my nephews into the Macross world and what better way to do so than showing them this movie. Maybe this edition is the best way as it has those bits removed, later on they can watch the complete thing. I dont want their moms backlash for just a few bits of gore. The comparisson with Star Wars regarding the editing of this new release, I understand it, but do not agree with it. Star Wars edition stuff I think it is more related to Gorge Lucas wanting to update the copyrights on his old material so he can continously profit even from the TV re runs. Greed on so many levels. The cuts for this edition I think are related to keep the product children safe as it contains the game. Actually, I was thinking... Macross is way better than Star Wars on so many levels. For instance!,In Star Wars they have a Force based on bacteriae, ajem, I mean, midichlorians, we have a pretty much unexplained and infinite more cool Spiritia!. In Star Wars, they only have to deal with two Sith lords at a time, two!!, and most of the time two Sith Lords can handle houndreds of Jedis at the point they can even get them extinct, geez!. In Macross, they have to fight an infinite number of huge greenish human like war obsessed bad asses, or am unbeatable self-evolving lobster-like swarm, and they eventually can handle it! They have Jar Jar, we have LinMay, Mylene and Ranka, hot and funny characters is it not? I think I could go on an on about this, haha.
  13. IM confused, hehehe, as always, this FB7 contains the whole Macross 7 series blue ray release ? or just it only contains the movie? sorry Ima bit slow
  14. They really should do a Prequel about the Zentradi vs the SA war. I would buy the OVA. Then again I would buy anything with a Macross name on it hehe. I would love to see how the Zentradis would live a day on their lifes before getting in touch with us. Can you imagine one of them waking up, inside a dark room where walls are all like green and kind of alive. Pretty much how they are rendered in DYRL. Then getting breakfast, can you imagine what they eat. some sort of insipid black fruit or some repulsive goo. Then they would talk about war tactics, and how many SA encounters they have had, how they fear to grow older as their bodies will start growing odd hand like extremities, like Exsedol has, and maybe they then become greener as the older they get hahaha. HOw they can not wait to get into their Battle Suits to kick some SA butts. I dont know, so many things so interesting still to know about the Zentradis, or the Supervision Army fellows for that matter. The SA as people have said before, fellows that regained consciousness after being controlled by the Protodelvin, running across the Galaxy to save their lifes, maybe they exist in fewer numbers, but their spaceships and weapons are vastly superior. An entirely new set of battle suits and spaceships to know about... Sorry just talking out loud.
  15. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCXA-504 Anyone has bought that one? Is it 1080 or 720? Did they do anything exceptional after what Animeigo did? EIDT:Oh sorry I was not aware of this thread, *reading*
  16. Great info thanks!!!! I will look for it, OTOH, if someone has this and is kind enough and willing to make a copy for me plese pvt msg me! Im willing to make a good deal.
  17. Where can I buy this?
  18. Anyone can tell me where can I get the whole Macross 7 in HD, with english subtitles if possible, hehehe. Im ready for my second view, but now, hopefully, with better quality. Thanks
  19. LOL @ dreamweaver13 Well I think Capt Gloval's response makes sense. My guess is that Misa considers that kind of behavior as some sort of harassment from her boss. I had a feminist girlfriend once, I bet she would have said that. I am just saying...
  20. Ok this one has always got me wondering, why does Misa react in such manner after Global pats on her back? I think this is just a nice pat. But she reacts this way. Any thoughts? Now maybe somebody else has brought this up before, but, does Admiral Domel from Yamato looks like a young Britai or what? Here is another pic of Admiral Domel. What do you guys think?
  21. 1. Who is that girl looking at? 2.Is it just me, or that guy is grabbing some ass? ^^ 3. I used to laugh at this particular scene, now it always gets me a smile. They are like "wtf", hehe, yeah they just got their ass kicked by some reaction weaponry. Is it not that expression priceless?
  22. Even a 5 year old knows SDFM is anti-war. And thanks for explaining me that Zentradis where denied culture and repairing skills, I didnt know that! *sarcasm* And yes for many Zentradis the outcome of Space War 1 is a Tragedy, for instance, it is a Tragedy for Kamjin, he dies after watching the Zentradi losing a war with a military inferior oponent (AND YES I KNOW HOW HUMANS WON DONT EVEN TRY TO EXPLAIN THAT TO ME). In Kamjin eyes, life as he knew it is teared into pieces. He loses life, after losing his way of life that he enjoyed so much. What would you say about that? Was it a happy ending for Kamjin? Or was it a Tragedy? It is clear that being absorbed by human culture was not exactly a heaven for many Zentradis, most of them had to endure daily labor routines like working in a laundry or selling toys on the streets on Xmas, just as an example. Maybe you did not see that chapter, maybe you skiped those last chapters of SDFM altogether, or maybe you have not seen SDFM at all, maybe you are a Robotech guy. Anyway, whether those rogue Zentradis were right or wrong on their perceptions, for what they know, living alongside with humans sucked big time, it sucked so much they were willing to follow Kamjin again and die if they had to. That is in the series too, I dont really see why you act so suprised, maybe your brain suffered severe damage after watching M7 and you think Macross is all joy and happiness, well I do not see it that way, at least SDFM was not that way, it was dark. That is why SDFM is still the BEST series in the whole franchise. Give me a break. They talk about how SMS existing due to Capitalism in one of the earlier chapters of Macross Frontier. And please, Pop Divas and all that Ranka and Sheryl media exposure and merchandising are not a perfect example of a materialistic society? YES I am talking about Macross Frontier, something that happens way after 2009...Materialistic society died oin 2009? pffffff What the hell man! Are you retarded?
  23. I would really like to see a Macross story about a Zentradi hero rather than a human one. Maybe starting before the events of SDFM. Showing us how Zentradis fight the Supervision Army and how happy they are doing so... Some sort of Kamjin-like character story, like a real Zentradi hero who thinks Whrithai is a traitor and, after being in contact with culture, scapes from the control of the UNS ... I have always thought Zentradis portrayed in the Macross universe actually live a tragedy. They lose their way of living, they learn they were created as a war species, and they get absorbed into a materialistic society. I think it would be cool to have a few of them scaping from this fate.
  24. How can anyone vote for Mylene !!! WTF!!! She is the most beautiful character in the macross universe. so cute. Whats wrong woth you people?????
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