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Everything posted by Khyron
-Based on some vampire folklore books I've read, and some books from White Wolf, Vampires can still cast reflections in the mirror, although it will be very faint. Dunno what it looked like in the movie, but their reflections should be almost transparent. Like what they showed in Lost Boys, when the character "Michael" started showing symptoms of being a bloodsucker. Nope. Solid normal reflection like a normal person. They even made it a point to show the reflection in one scene. Whatever city they are in must suck. It must never turn day and with the contant rain/thunderstorms, there is going to a flooding problem.
It seems too much like a anime version of Starship Troopers to me. Yet again, an anime starts off cool but then end the series with wierd artsy crap. I hate that. I'm telling you, Japan must have a pot problem since so many anime writers seem to be smoking something when finishing a series. I'd rather them end it off with a huge battle instead of this psychological crap.
Private usually means with people you know. P2P on Kazaa or Napster is with a bunch of unknown people. You have no idea who the person is you are dealing with. As far as the article about the RIAA working with the Internet insead of suing people. Proabably wouldn't work. You know there are tons of people out there that would rather keep stealing music rather than paying a small fee to download it legally. I haven't been to the site but the Apple site that sells songs for $1 sounds like a great deal & it is legal.
I got one box. It turned out to exactly match one of the rows of images on the box (the row shows 3 modes of fighters & GBP). I would love to get the other ones but if they are random, I would probably end up getting the same doubles again. Too bad they weren't set one & two. twinmoons, if you had a way of finding which ones were in the boxes, I'd order a set from you.
The analogy would be "homeowner gives permission for friend(s), or stranger(s), to take a look around in the garage. Without said permission anyone entering the garage is criminally "trespassing and "breaking and entering" even if they don't take or destroy anything. B) Which is illegal for law enforcement agencies without a warrent to track and monitor what a person does in person, on the phone or online. A) There is nothing to stop someone from viewing any files a person has in the shared folder. Why should the RCIAA be any different than some random person. The user made a choice to leave the files in it that were viewable by others. Move them to another folder if you don't want anyone to see what you have. Also the RIAA is not probing through your folders. These songs are in 'plain sight'. In case you didn't know, anything 'in plain sight' does not require a court order or anything to catch illegal activities. Example: If a cop walks by your house and you have pot plants that he can see through the window, he doesn't need a search warrent to arrest you for something you have in your house. It would be illegal if he had to move or open something in order to see the plants. B) Yes it would be illegal for a government agency to do this without a warrent. Nice that the RIAA is not a member of government. They can however file cases against companies to get records or threaten to file a suit, resulting in the company to give the records over to avoid the suit. With all the publicity these cases have gotten, if they were doing something illegal, somebody would have found out and reported it.
Being a musician you should understand more than the rest of us. The more people download your songs, the less CDs are sold and less money goes into your wallet. If your contract does not pay you beyond your initial check, then less sales of your music could result in less $$$ for your when you make another CD. If you fail to bring in a certain amount, why would a record company pay you the same fee? THe suit is not just trying to make people pay fines. They are trying to stop people from downloading songs illegally. The simple threat of them possibly suing you will deter somepeople. They are going after the big offenders now since they have such a selection. Also, people are complaining of them looking at people's computers. They are not actually going into people's computers. If you remember, Napster (and other programs) allow users to view all the files someone has to share. Once a downloaded song is not in the the person's directory that they gave viewing access to, then the songs are not able to be viewed. Also, I'm sure programs have the ability to record how much activity a user has. Either downloading or people downloading from them.
In defense of Unicron, I think sales will definatly pick up once the episodes of Armada with him it in air. So far, Unicron was only shown a couple seconds in the show in planet mode. Not impressive enough for a $50 based on that shot. But once he shows up and turns into a robot, kids will want one. BTW: In my area, Unicron seems to be selling OK. Unlike Star Wars, I've actually seen many kids interested in Transformers. Most of them are 12 or younger. You can't count on them to have seen Transformers the Movie (Unicron's claim to fame) since it was well before they were born. The earliest Transformers show they probably saw was Beast Wars. Factor in that the Unicron Battles will air this October, getting kids interested in him by Christmas. I'm sure many parents don't buy their kids $50 toys often except for Christmas. Once the kid gets interested, it is more likely the partents will pick one up for a gift.
What a complete moron. "gee wiz, I can get items for free of the internet that most people have to pay for, how could it be illegal?" Since she isn't working, she has time to go to jail. BTW: Macross Valks are way too expensive (I.E./ Toys are not worth $80+), so using the song downloaders' logic, I should be totally within my right to steal them.
Maybe the Music business should fight back with high tech. Hire some info tech people to Since music on a CD is essenially a computer file, they could place some sort of code in it that could cause it to not play in the various MP3 programs that people have on their computers (winamp, real player, Winmedia). They would have to research the coding of the players to find some bit that would stop playing the song when it encounters it. Then add the bit to the songs digital info. The CD would still play fine on CD players but a digital copy would stop playing. All future alblums would include the hidden info. Maybe alter the code between random CDs and keep it going. This way, even if a hack to allow the info to be ineffective was created the next version of the info would nullify that player. .
Just think about this. If studios find that people are more likely to download songs instead of buying the CD, what incentive do they have to sign more artists? Most people will download the CD and use the 'I will listen because I don't want to chance buying crap CD' excuse. Then once they have the CD, they figure why spend the $$ on something they got for free. Studios will just stick to the singers that have proven they still do sell records. So because of all the stealing of music, potential bands will never get a contract and you will never hear their music. Hows that sound.
People never think about the costs that are needed to be made back by CD sales. 1. Singer 2.Recording Studio where they record it 3. Various people that work on the alblum - look at a CD insert and look at all the people that worked on it. Mixers/sound engineers, etc. 4. Promotion. Look at all the promotion that goes into an alblum. Flyers, posters, getting it on the radio or MTV, etc. That stuff doesn't come cheap. 5. Other workers at the studio need to be paid. Secretaries, accounting, janitors. 6. Record company itself - needs to make money or whats the point of putting out records. So what the CD costs $17? That is the price that was put on it. Everything sold has a price put on it. Just because you don't like it doesn't justify stealing it. Either pay it or go without.
Get rid of the boring epsiodes when they just blab on about crap. Just stick to what everyone wants to see, action. Spacebattles and fights on the ships. The more ships blowing up the better.
I have the whole set. Haven't seen the matallic green one yet. I do have the metallic blue and red ones. I really like the Alphas. A good amount of joints and can get in great poses. Well worth the $14 they cost.
But to do this, he would have to make each one himself. Quite a lot of work. If he he was looking into a company making them, then it would fall outside the fan custom region and into a company product.
Yes, any prerub series 2 are very rare. The rub signs became the mark of an official Transformer. The rub signs actually began as a promotion. With each Bumblebee sized bot, you got a smaller TF 'mini-spies' that had a rub-sign on it. It could have been an Autobot or a Deception. You didn't know until you rubbed the sign. After that all toys had them. I guess bootleggers couldn't reproduce it so it was a true Transformer if they had it. Its funny, I've seen bootlegs were they sort of reproduce it. The general look of the sticker and the symbol showing. It is not a rub sign and stays the same way all the time.