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Everything posted by misterryno

  2. That's it.....with all the pety arguing going on in this topic.....I'm gonna take this into my Ninja hands. Whoever has a problem with whoever.....we will all be sure to meet eachother at the MW Con 08 and settle this petyness(is this even a word ). If you guys can't solve your differences by then I will be sure to seolve them for you like I did to that guy in Nebraska...see below to see what happened to him.
  3. This makes me sad I was hoping for a Jello wrestling contest between these two at MW Con 08. I'm just not sure who I would put my money on
  4. Why not right on where I would put it??? It's a crappy MS Paint job sorry
  5. Jung, BRAVO BRAVO MATE!!! That looks FANTASTIC!!!
  6. >EXO< Jenius Tournament to the death perhaps NO ONE KNOWS!!!!
  7. HaHaHaHaHa You're right on that one mate
  8. This is what I'm goin with...I just want the large scale cyclone that's not a POS.
  9. MacrossMan, Very Very nice looking home mate. If you dedicate a room to Macross (which you should ). Don't forget to post the pics.
  10. misterryno

    Macross Revoltech

    It would seem that way. We'll see eh.
  11. Everyday I read this news it disappoints me so. If Toynami wants to get any respect in the Macross/Mospeada community, they need to come out with somethin good. Not something that there are a few good ones and the rest are $hit. I myself have not had any problems with my 1/100 Toynami Valks. I know that there are ALOT of products out there by Toynami that are duds. I won't even begin to "support" Toynami by saying that they have good products. There are WAY too many complaint about them in order for me to do so. I just consider myself fotunate that I have not had problems. *knocks on wood, kisses lucky rabbits foot, makes sure the horse shoe above the door is standin straight, checks to make sure has 4 leaf clover*
  12. I do the exact same as you...I just work for a POS company for now. Hopefully soon I will get a MUCH MUCH better position in a better company. It does'nt seem to matter how hard I work I still don't get pait $hit. It really sucks EDIT----> I would be more than happy to move to a different country for a better job......will you put in a good word for me at the company you work for
  13. No worries mate......I feel satisfied with knowing what I will now do. THANKS for your help.
  14. That was the plan That is why I figured I should get a 2nd and make a Milia outta it. You guys are readin me like a book.
  15. That's the thing that kills me about getting Detolfs from Ikea....I want to....but the shipping is OUTRAGEOUS!!!
  16. Trust me man.....I'm a draftsman and a engineering technician. We don't make THAT much money.
  17. I don't know why everyone assumes that I would want a 22 Milia. Nope....just simply a YF-21 in a Milia scheme. Simple yes. Beautiful...I'll bet. I can't wait.
  18. I saw them ....They were.....WONDERFUL.....so much nastiness.....soooooo much LUST!!! Just kidding.....but they were funny
  19. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Those guys are always trying to sell things for WAY WAY WAY more than they are worth. Plus you can tell that is a KO. Silly F*ers.
  20. misterryno

    Macross Revoltech

    I still can't believe that you are most excited about the regults I really would like to see an Asuka x Milia kitbash as well.
  21. Now that's what I'm talkin about. You did'nt happen to snap any with the Strike Cannon on did ya??? I would REALLY like to see that.
  22. misterryno

    Macross Revoltech

    I figured that you would be more excited about the VF-1J Milia.
  23. If this is the case......can we expect poor quality??? I would like a large scale cyclone...but not if it is a piece of $hit. Now this I can go with. Maybe I can get away with picking one up for say $40ish???
  24. misterryno

    Macross Revoltech

    Geezzzzzz Dante.......your like the high school drama queen with all these rumors.....LOL.....just playin mate.
  25. GREAT!!! Thanks for the info Graham.....I am looking forward to the M&M's in all modes and of course the Strike Hikky.....who knows.....if they come out with some "rare" ones I might get a few of those too.
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