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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Woot wooott!!! Glad to be of service my friend!
  2. And.....who has a bad ass collection?!? SCREAM DOES!!! I'll take some pics of my entire collection tonight.
  3. AAAAARRRRRHHHHHH!!! I just need to wait till I can get mine from LOS. Got the 1S of course and it IS the bomb! Yo Fatalist...can you pick me up a 1A before the 15th of this month and ship it to me here in Denver, Colorado? I'm good for it. PM me if you can please.
  4. I agree with you The colors are tight fo sho!
  5. CONGRATS!!! I will read that article later.....I don't know if I can believe it though....I would die a little inside for Bloodsport IS one of my all time favorite movies.
  6. Well then.....I guess I'm out.....sorry Solscud. I would rather have a centered one like the one I have now.
  7. And again....I totally agree....rumors rumors rumors.... If you are reading this Yamato.....DO NOT MAKE EXCLUSIVES!!!
  8. I totally agree...
  9. Sooooooooo........I just want to make sure of something before I send payment. Where is the image going to be on the shirt? The center....or bottom left?
  10. I would pull an R. Kelly on ALL of them.
  11. THAT IS AWESOME!!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU MATE!!! You can be just like Frank Dux!
  12. That's some bull$hit man.....if something is not even in stock yet...they sure the hell should not charge you. I would tell them to cancel and get your money back.
  13. I do not believe that the 1/48 packs are painted....I think they are molded plastic. I am not positive though. Anyways....GOOD LUCK!
  14. That's what SHE said Sorry...back on topic now....I do believe that Hasbro totally has plans for an TFA Omega Supreme....it would be a huge seller....why would they not?!? Right!?!
  15. No no no.....I own most of the Macross DVDs......I meant to say.... I have been meaning to watch that or at least DYRL....I just have not watch them RECENTLY. My bad. I HAVE seen them. Just not recently.
  16. I noticed that to.....but of course....when I first got into the toys I thought it should be like that as well. I did not find out till much later that I was mistaken.
  17. Andddd...........................you never cease to amaze me!
  18. I have been meaning to watch that or at least DYRL....I just have'nt gotten around to it yet.
  19. Thanks!!! Also...MORE AWESOMENESS from the rest of your pics!!! Totally hot girls in your collection
  20. And so does your heart
  21. RIGHT ON! I will check that out! THANKS!!!
  22. Yep.....Roboto did....there's a pic in the "mostly the mospeada" topic...page 59....post #1163.
  23. Yeah...that looks GREAT!!! AWESOME job mate!!!
  24. That is AWESOME! How did you make that fig again?
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