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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Hey all....I know that we have a "Strike A Pose" thread for Valks. But since the Ride Armors and the Leigoss are coming out I figured it would be a good idea to have a "Strike A Pose" section for them as well. I will go ahead and start this with the pics I have just taken of my new MH Ride Armors. I would have gone through and downsized the pics...but Photobuckets new editing page sucks and takes forever. Without further delay...HERE THEY ARE!!!
  2. I just got all of Rays "extra parts" together. I don't much care for the little tiny items that can go in the saddle bags. I was however able to fit all but one hand from both Ray and Scott in the bags. I also am able to fit Ray on his bike with the bags being were they are supposed to be. Whoever said that this was not possible is wrong. I will snap some pics of that here in a while. EDIT-----> A positive not to Ray being distributed by Toynami is that his instructions are in English. It's a bit easier for me to read than Japanese is.
  3. VERY NICE!!! Once you get all them out and up you best be posting them here
  4. Okay....I have opened and posed my Ray figure now in various ways. I have not TFed him yet...I am about to put together his "extra parts"(saddle bags). The only sort of issue so far is that his waist is a tiny bit loser than Sticks is...but that is an easy fix. I will let all know more once I TF them.
  5. THANKS!!! That helped. Why the "!!" after your statement? Are you yelling at me? I'm gonna cry .
  6. Nice pic...I just got my 2 today as well. I am actually 100% more pleased than I was with the CM's. I have opened Stick and posed him multiple times (I can actually get some cool poses with these and I could'nt get any with the CM's) snapped some pics. I have yet to TF him. I want to get Ray out...do the same that I have done with Stick so far and then I will be able to comment on him. So far though *knocks on wood* there has not been any issues with my Stick figure. In the famous words of the Govenator....I'll be back.
  7. Ahhhh I see.....I can't tell if the pilots are painted in those pics. I get your point about the plastic seems brittle....I bet since these figures will be much larger than the RA's that they will not seem as brittle and prob. be alot better than one would think.
  8. The last pics I saw the pilots were NOT painted. Can you post the ones with the painted pilots? Also....in the pics that I saw a page or 2 back...the plastic used to make these looks like it is as fragile as the plastic used to make the Ride Armors...is this the case...does anyone know?
  9. Ummmmm yeah Of course I do...it smells like....ummmmm....bread....yeah, BREAD!
  10. Hmmmmm....well......it was just a theory .
  11. Same here....but after St. Patty Day....Well....I was REALLY hung over yesterday....gotta save up my strength for drinking Sat. night for my B-Day.
  12. Not as cheap as I sold the CM's for.....and I already have had someone PM about it so I'm set if they are $hit.
  13. I just got both of mine in the mail today. I will open them up and let y'all know if I get the Studs or the Duds. So I was just looking at the packaging for these guys and in the lower right hand corner like in the pic on the last page...my Ray figure says Toynami and the Stick figure says Megahouse. So this could be why people are having all the QC issues with Ray? Or it could be that Toynami has already started the distributing...which is why the box would say "Ray" and not "Ley" cause the Megahouse box says "Stick" not "Scott". I wonder why my Ray figure is Toynami and my Stick figure is MH? Hmmmmm.....I wonder if I will get decals? I'll find out laters.
  14. Nuh uh....I'm the BIG HOBO.
  15. Wicked Ace, Now you're just gettin CRAZY!!!
  16. roboto, THANKS!!! BRING EM ON GUYS AND GALS!!!
  18. THANKS!!! That ones a good one. I hope mine come today.
  19. ruskiiVFaussie, Well mate.... ....it looks okay..... ......... Actually...IT LOOKS GREAT!!!
  20. RIGHT ON!!! THANKS!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! EDIT-----> Do you have the Stick figure...if so...got any pics of him?
  21. No wonder I did crappy in english class.
  22. Weird EDITED for Grammer
  23. EVERYONE who has the MH's, Can you PLEASE post some more pics so that I may have something to drool over until tomorrow?
  24. Gotta LOVE the Feds.
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