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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ................. No
  2. Yeha...I just paid for a year of "pro" membership with Photobucket. Not bad though. Only 25 bones. I would care but it is too late to do so.
  3. Too late. No worries though. Thanks. I will look into them for future use.
  4. Everytime I tried....the system would not accept them.....no big deal.....I'm back in business now! WOOT WOOT!!!
  5. OOOOOOoooooooo ....She looks HOT on that bike. THANKS.......and more PLEASE!!!
  6. Hey....they were'nt like that till today! Stupid Photobucket.....and yet no one has come up with another better site for me to use yet??? I guess I'll just have to pay the money to upgrade so this does'nt happen again.
  7. OH NO Ruskii......DON'T ANSWER!!! It could be like the Jelly Bean in the jar contest.....let us guess and that one who gets it right wins it all .
  8. LMAO I hated High School
  9. When you extend the foot forward it actually makes it so you don't have to lean the figure forward so much when posing without the stand. I mean....that's what I got out of it.
  10. THANKS for the linky....I'll check this out later today. Too busy here now
  11. That is an excellent spot for the mags. Good idea. I don't think I'll be opening anything up anytime soon. I'm too much of a noob at all that. If you do find the correct sizes mags. for a good price let me know. I am thinking of having the mags on the outside of the figure because of my noobiness(word?). We'll see.
  12. Yeah...that is exactly what I am talking about when it comes to the under arm attachments I'll need to work on this a bit. About the feet....I know they knew about the balance. They must have thought "ohh....well...we'll just include a stand and that will correct the problem" thinking that we are all just gonna LOVE the stand and not care that we can't pose them correctly without it. That erks me.
  13. Hmmmmm.....how secure is your armor on the rider? Mine is "secure" just moves a little here and there when I am posing. I would like if the connectors that go under his arms snapped in or just did not slide out so easily. EDIT----> I'll try to think of something for the "balance".
  14. No one EVER expected me to be this way. It just is. It just feels sooooooo.................right. EDIT-----> BTW....Your new avatar is SOOOOO CUTE!!!
  15. If you feel the need to send them to me to scan...I will do that for you On another note. I am considering a mod for the ride armor mode of the MH's. I am thinking of modding it to be similar to the CM's as in where the RA connects to the rider at the crotch. Can anyone else think of another good place to hold it down?
  16. ruskiiVFaussie, WOW!!! That is CRAZY!! I LIKE IT!!!
  17. Why can't you mate? BTW...I like your avatar. As always Ruskii........awesome.......I like the PFPs ont he chara.
  18. I love you... SCAN THOSE MOTHERS!!! PLEASE!!! WE ALL NEED THEM!!! well maybe not all of us...but I do for sure. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
  19. THANKS SOOOO MUCH!!! GREAT contributions!!! Gilermo, VERY nice mate! Apparently I have exceeded my "free" limit on Photobucket so my pics are not available till tomorrow or some crap like that. Can someone else suggest a better photoshare site? KEEP THE AWESOME PICS COMIN!!! This is GREAT!
  20. More Poses...
  21. THANKS for those!!!
  22. NO F*IN WAY!!! You got a Gakken (1/8 I assume) Ride Armor for 65 bones. THAT IS AN AWESOME DEAL!!! If you come across another deal like that PLEASE PM me! Congrats my man. I am expecting to see some pics in the new "Strike A Pose" Mospeada Version.
  23. WA, Shoot some pics of that shadow for here if you can get some cool poses. EDIT----> Just saw that pic.....DUH ME
  24. Glad I figured I would start this.
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