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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. AWESOME Revoltech poses mate!!! I am happy to see more of them since I did not decide to get/keep these guys. I really like the last one with Hikky opening the beer can. That one is GREAT! Keep em comin.
  2. Arthurius & UN Spacy, THANK YOU both for the pics! I really enjoyed them. UN...those Revy and Rey pics are AWESOME!!! So what happened after they got drunk ? I can only imagine . Arthurius...those pics that UN Spacy took are with a Revoltech lady figure.
  3. LOL The name on the Avatar for eriku is "Bulkhead" I believe. I will prob. be removing my MH's visors soon to paint them black and make them so they do not open/close.
  4. No problem...Glad to be of assistance!
  5. Hey hey....THANKS FOR THAT! Oooooooo I LOVE the MH's....but....the scale for the Beagle is to be larger? If so......*faints*
  6. I have one that I am going to finish off tonight for my birthday. I will try to get up the balls to do some crazy flexi posing ontop of it...I'm not promising anything...but I just may be pissed enough to do so. That scares me....
  7. There's another member here that will soon make themselves present in the 1/48 Parts Market. I am not at liberty to say who. But if they see this topic they will shout out I am sure. They're a great asset to the MW community.
  8. Thanks for the info. I tell you what...I learn something new every day. and THANKS!!!
  9. Just a repost...since people are still getting theirs in or are just ready to TF the damn thing . English for all those blokes out there that can't read the Japanese.
  10. Ewwwwwwwwww . I remember...cause you just HAD to remind us about it . Sorry for you more than anything....That's GROSS.
  11. Where do you get your information Not that I don't believe you...but...no really now...there isn't? Then I may just have to try this out. THANKS.
  12. Nope...that's not it That's it Now I gotta turn in...I just turned 29 23 min. ago and that means I'm old and need my beauty sleep.
  13. VERY Nice shots mate. You smooth talker you... everyone thinks just cause I got the CM's and sold them the very next day, that I will do the same with the MH's. Here's a little secret. THEY ARE AWESOME!!! NO WAY BROTHER!!!
  14. Your poses.... They.... They........ They AMAZE ME!!! The incorporating the beer into the shots is a splendid touch and all...but the real killer would be a good ol bottle of Irish Whiskey . You do that and get back to me....this is a sight I gotta see.
  15. ...I think that when the honchos over at MH saw Mr. Fantastic they must of thought the enlongated neck just looked soooooooo stylish . But seriously now...It's not that bad....is it?
  16. LMFAO I was just tellin my Fiance about how you often seem to be drunk posting.
  17. Got bored and snapped a few... This one was inspired by Gilermo... Always ready for a fight... Toro just got his tail handed to him...
  18. VERY VERY Nice! I'm thirsty...be right back.
  19. I know...I CAN'T WAIT for the others to be released. HOPEFULLY VERY VERY SOON!!! These are turning out to be such a hit that MH has gotta be like "aawwwwhhhhh YEAH!!! We should get on getting those others out ASAP!!!" <-----at least that's what I would be saying.
  20. I'll have a Samuel Jackson..."NO I CAN'T STOP YELLING....THIS IS THE WAY I TALK MOTHER F*ER!!!" LMFAO...Gotta LOVE Chappel.
  21. I LIKE IT!!! It would definetly make me wanna buy the beer.
  22. Arthurius, Cool pics.....THANKS for adding them. I see you enjoy the rider and bike mode alot...I know I do. I will be picking up a second set of the MH's in order to keep one in RA mode and one in bike and rider mode. Alot of people would say that it's no fun if you can't TF them...but I will disagree. I think they are hella fun without having to TF them.
  23. No....it keeps you from having to lean the figure forward to much....not from falling forward. I know it's weird and doesn't make alot of sense to me either. But that's what it is I believe.
  24. Hell yeah! THANKS mate! I will be using this one too I am sure.
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