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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. BTW....THANKS!!! I have not been back to this thread since the last time I posted and did not see the compliment. Everyone, I just finished putting the valk. back together. There where some parts that rubbed a little and chipped, but this was mostly a learning experiance for me. I think it turned out pretty good. LMK what you think. EDIT----> Posting the pics as soon as they get done downloading. Almost there......
  2. Hmmmmmm.......sorry for that mate.....as far as it seems the newer (reissue) ones seem to be well liked. Thanks for the input though. It's always good to have 2 sides to every story.
  3. GREAT!!! THANKS for the answers Gubaba and SD!
  4. SWEET!!! THANKS!!! Are they fairly simple to put together or pretty hard?
  5. THANKS SD!!! Can you take some pics of the ones that are not built yet so that I may see the box contents? THANSK AGAIN!!!
  6. THANKS for the repost....I will be watching this tonight. LMAO It looks good.
  7. Poor good guys.....like Hot Rodimus is any help ...He's soooooooo selfish.
  8. Hey there everyone...I am getting a bit more into modeling and I thought the Aoshima 1/12 Ride Armor kits that I saw on HLJ would be pretty cool. Does anyone out there have one completed and one non-completed so that I can see what the parts look like? Also...how do you like them? LMK PLEASE and THANKS.
  9. Oh hey....can I borrow that? I have not seen anything but 1 disk of the Shadow Chronicles. I watch RT when I was young but that was FOREVER AGO!
  10. Looks good.....your rendition of Good VS Evil perhaps?
  11. Again!?! Another rediculous price paid for 2 MH's. I should contact the buyer and tell them that I will sell them my 2 for 50-100 bucks less. I would still make my profit .
  12. Yeah....what he said....
  13. I never have seen them on that link even though I have checked it out constantly since I have seen it posted...but...I do LOVE watching that video time and time again. THANKS.
  14. Alright...Those are for sure so SWEET pics...but...what did you stick the wheels too in order to obtain that balance??? They surely are not balancing on their own. Or are they???
  15. Hmmmmmmm.......well then...I can't wait for your review....I always enjoy them.
  16. That's a good pic alright....but....since I have owned a CM I would'nt buy another...just my opinion though.
  17. LMFAO You're Dirty
  18. That's right Miriya.....
  19. miriya, Wow......that's sad Brother . Sorry to hear that you are missing items. Both of mine were fine and I have not heard of anything missing yet. That really blows. I had a super hard time removing the front fork as well. I ended up using a pocket knife to pry it loose. I thought for sure that if I kept trying to pull it off it would have broke so that is what I resorted to. All in all I would rather have some stuff be tight rather than loose. I used that stupid "flying pose" part of the stand to take the couple of pics that I did and that was it. That thing SUCKED. I am sorry for your misfortune. But I am happy that you like the fig. I hope it lasts you well.
  20. That would be funny. And I don't mean funny HA HA.
  21. eriku, A great point that is. This was posted a page back or so... What are the thoughts on this. Is it a truth...or mearly a question???
  22. That is nuts for so many people to keep their "collectibles" in their boxes and put away somewhere. ONLY if I had the money to do that sort of thing. Anyways...keep in mind Ruskii....I like the pinky feathered coffee table of doom....It.....it......frightens me...and then again...make me feel soooooooo ALIVE!!!
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