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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. I do agree with being pissed if it were an exclusive (thankfully it is not) but as another member on here from Japan told me once... "it's not too difficult to get items from Japan now days" maybe those were not the EXACT words....but damn close.
  2. HA! Make a good mic though.
  3. Damn....that VF-4 is pullin ahead big time. At least the VF-1 is a close..........3rd
  4. Exactly what I was looking for. THANKS MATE!
  5. Boooooo....for once I was not paying attention and posted in the wrong thread. Does not matter to me though. Anyone know what size the 1/60 DX VF-25 (in inches) is possibly going to be?
  6. Soooooo...............I have not kept up with this thread at all. I am just curious if anyone knows the size (in inches) of the 1/100 transformable toys?
  7. I stuck with the VF-1. CLASSIC BABY!!!
  8. GO SOC!!! They are pretty bad a$$ figs....I just never got into them. I know I said I would post some pics of my collection but I am gonna wait till I get the TFAs I just won and my v.2 1/60 1A first.
  9. AWESOME Marvel collection!!! And the Afro Samurai kicks ass!!!
  10. HELLS YEAH!!! I just won $110 worth of TFA figures for $80 shipped on evilBay!!!
  11. Not yet I haven't. I'm still considering it.
  12. Thanks you 2 for the answers. I want to order a second one since I already have 1 coming from Los. But y'all know me and how impatient I am and don't like waiting. So I would want it to arrive before the 13th. I don't think that 10 days from now is too much to ask for in order to receive it if I order now.
  13. Quick question...I was considering ordering a VF-1A Hikaru from HLJ with EMS shipping. If I put an order in today...that means that it would prob. go out in the morning (US time) how long should it take to get to Colorado? Do you think I would have it within 7 days? Anyone who orders through HLJ living in California please do let me know ASAP. THANKS!
  14. I know....I wish I would have known what the G-1s would have been worth when I was a kid. I would have been more careful (and I was VERY careful) with my toys and not have gotten rid of them. I also would have asked for a new JetFire every christmas and birthday and then held onto them and sold them all for a crap load of mula to spend on Macross now days. Can you believe what toys have come to these days? I totally get ya on the handgun thing. Back in the day no one would have dreamt of using Megatron to hurt someone else. You know what I mean. OO
  15. I wish I had some pics as well.....I'm gonna hit my p's up and see if they have any.
  16. OOOOHHHHHH!!!! John T. must be piloting that bird and reliving Saturday Night Fever I LOVE IT!
  17. These are ideas they need to stop having.
  18. Yeah....that sucks....sorry that happened to you mate.
  19. Right on man! Good ol MM before you got those balls on your chin . OO
  20. It is a bunch of $hit if this is just another exclusive....I won't stop buying the v.2 1/60s because of this...but I will NOT be buying exclusives.
  21. WELCOME!!! GREAT PICS!!! And what a great first Yamato Valk to own. Now you need to get started on the V.2 1/60s....THEY ARE AWESOME!
  22. Yeah...that does look REALLY good! GREAT WORK Takatoys!
  23. Heh......those Activators are pretty neat little guys. The scales for this line really annoy me to. But only when it comes to figures like Bulkhead. I am almost finished with the current lineup. I need a few more duplicates and a few of the wave 4 characters. I am still pondering on getting a Leader Class Bulkhead for in scale reasons. I need to sell some more things that I no longer need on eBay. I keep getting lazy and not posting them.
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