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Everything posted by misterryno

  2. Mmmmmmm I LOVE SUSHI!
  3. Too cute Miriya. THANKS FOR SHARING!!!
  4. So like...has anyone else noticed how awesome the colors are in that movie?
  5. Just seems that the nose cone is smaller...that's the only thing I see.
  6. That's the best idea I have EVER heard . I'll be on the intoxicated mission with you.
  7. ME TOO!!! That movie was great! Also the Part 2 was AWESOME as well! "Hey Laserlips...your momma was a snow blower" LMFAO
  8. I will check it out tonight. And oh yes...I qualify.
  9. I hope you can make it... I was just wondering....since my Stick fig is MH and my Rey fig is Toynami....will both of my box tops work...or just one of them? I would hope both.
  10. Ummmm.....yeah.....I'm dumb.....I really am just used to so many people not doing it I guess I assumed....and we all know what assuming does.
  11. ummmm....is this were I'm supposed to laugh
  12. chowyunskinny, THANKS ALOT for both of the pics. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE V.2 1/60 VF-1!!!
  13. .............................................. That's messed up.
  14. I believe that is the information that we are waiting on. I hope we can. That weapon set looks sweet! Damn do I want some decals though!
  15. That's REALLY COOL! Can you give us a step by step of your process thus far? I would also like to know what kind of doll you used so maybe I can try my hand at one. THANKS!!!
  16. If we ask him...they will come... If we ask him...they will come... If we ask him...they will come... If we ask him...they will come... If we ask him...they will come... If we ask him...they will come... If we ask him...they will come... If we ask him...they will come... If we ask him...they will come... If we ask him...they will come... If we ask him...they will come...
  17. Really??? No problems here.
  18. Good point! You are absolutly right about it being a more expensive product at BBTS and getting a better price somewhere else. I mearly was just going off of the only pre-order I have seen. THANKS.
  19. You what!?! You are a crazy mad scientist eh.. . Well I look forward to seeing the pics. Hey hey Wicked Ace....poses/contributions hopefully comin this way tomorrow night. We'll see.
  20. Hmmmmm......good idea. I can't wait to see the outcome. I need to get on this. Eh...I will wait for now.
  21. Can we say....YES PLEASE!!!
  22. Have you gotten yours yet ruskii??? I am to lazy to check the other RA topic to see if you have said so. If you have...then WERE ARE YOUR POSES!?!?!?!? You're crazy awesome when it comes to poses so I wanna see some. I will be adding some hopefully tomorrow. I gotta think of some good ones to do.
  23. I hate you . But seriously now...if you find another one that great with that kind of price tag...LET ME KNOW PLEASE!!!
  24. If they do....just think of what the price will be for them. With a VF-1S Roy and a good ol VF-1J Hikky being 90 bones you can expect the M&M's to be a crazy high price. On the bright side...for you maybe...my 1/55 reissue Miria did not sell on eBay and I still have it if you are interested.
  25. Looking good. Are you going to swap the black/red on the chest to make it accurate?
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