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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. WOW BBTS took a while eh?!?
  2. It's you isn't it?!? I KNEW IT!!! You killed Kenny!!! You Bastardo!!! I'm just kidding....unless it really is you.....which it prob. is not.
  3. misterryno

    Thunder Hammer

  4. WHAT HE SAID!!!
  5. This is also true. I mean....don't get me wrong....I like the chunky....I like the chunky ALOT. In fact...if I was made of money or had a better paying job....I NEVER EVER would have sold my chunky collection. Now I only have a few left .
  6. This is true.
  7. Oh don't get me started....I'm with you on this kick Brother.
  8. Cool....thanks for letting me know. I will be calling them soon.
  9. I TOTALLY agree! You would think that Bandai would have some sort of "spy" in here by now gathering our ideas.
  10. THANKS for the insight! It would be a surely sneaky way for them to tell us yet not tell us what is on its way out. THANKS AGAIN! I need to get "Genesis Climber Mospeada"
  11. I do agree
  12. I don't know enough about Mospeada to know what the "ET" sticker means. Can you elaborate for me please? THANKS
  13. LOL....I'm an idiot. I got it. THANKS!
  14. Ummmmm.....what? I can't read it mate. Can you make it a bit clearer?
  15. I'm not on all that often...but when I am...you'll prob. here from me.
  16. Arthurius, The scan is GREATLY appreciated!!! THANKS!!!
  17. Twoducks, Those are some GREAT poses mate!!! Would you mind also posting them in the "Strike a pose-Mospeada version"? I'm gonna look more in depth to them later for right now I am at work .
  18. That sounds fantastic. PLease post some pics. Also...what 1/15 kit are you using. BTW....thanks for the info on the "man doll" I will be looking out for this.
  19. Where did you get yours at? I would like to pick one up for I am starting to try my hand at modeling.
  20. Me too...but... That's not all I smell .
  21. Just check ya out....I like your music ALOT! I added you to my list...wanna make me your friend?
  22. Since Wicked Ace was getting after me to contribute a bit more...I decided to put todgether this little "instructional video" with the host being the all mighty Scott Bernard. I wish there was a way to speed this show up. ENJOY!!! Instructional Video ;-)
  23. A$$! I should of known better.
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