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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Well WA.....I wanna say "nice job!" but I'm gonna say...."damn that 1/72 sucks at posing". Sorry man but that just ticks me off that the posability on that figure is crappy. THANKS for sharing regardless.
  2. OOooooooooo Now that I would like to see
  3. OMG!!! *falls on floor...grasping at heart*
  4. I am seriously dying right now
  5. Wow. Soooooo........How bout that up and coming v2 1/60 VF-1....that thing is gonna be the...well...it's gonna be the $hit.
  6. WOW!!! This is turning out most amazingly!!! GREAT JOB!!!
  7. Ummmmmm......SUPER COOL!!! When you get the bike finished will you take some more picks of bike and rider and ride armor picks? BTW....I just sent you a PM.
  8. INDEED!!! He is MORE ohhhhhh MUCH MORE than an apeface though.
  9. PHEW!!! I am glad that you mentioned this. I was JUST about to grab mine and try it out. I WILL be careful. THANKS.
  10. Hell yeah man.....oldies but goodies eh!?!
  11. You lied to me!!! It hurts....but in a good sorta way....like when....nahhh I better not.
  12. SuperHobo, Nice review!!! THANKS for all the pics!!! I will have to sell my body and buy one of these. GobotFool, THANKS for the additional pics! I like it alot with the landing gear down. I did'nt think I would. THANKS!!!
  13. I was just about to ask the same thing.
  14. I would say yes.....but I am not sure how much I will like the TREAD...enough to keep it....maybe.....we'll see IF I do get this. Plus I already had one person PM me about it....maybe there will be more.
  15. Yeah....IF I get this I only want the Legioss.....I think. I will have to see how cool the TREAD really is...to me that is.
  16. Right on.....thanks for the info. I look forward to your review. BTW. If I do buy this...is anyone interested in purchaseing the TREAD off of me? I am more than likely going only for the Scott version.
  17. So like....where did you guys order yours from in order to receive them so quickly? HLJ? They are on backorder there now . I actually don't really want the TREAD at least not right now....I want the fighter though. Is there somewhere to order just that?
  18. I was feeling the same way and just decided to be nice and ignore that fool.
  19. It was me.... GobotFool, THANKS for all the pics and the comments. This turned out to be MUCH better looking that I thought it would. I am VERY happy to hear that the QC is much better than expected as well. THANKS AGAIN. I may have to get one now.
  20. Nice job Alex. I can't wait to see more more more!
  21. There are 2 auctions up on eBay right now for the Legioss/TREAD combo for around $300 USD each. NO THANKS!
  22. I found Dengeki Hobby online....but for one I can't read Japanese....and for 2 I could'nt seem to find anything on the YF-21 for some reason. If ANYONE has the pics or can get the pics....PLEASE POST THEM! THANKS.
  23. Nice pose! But we demand more!!! MORE I SAY!!! MORRRRRRRE!!!!!
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