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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. TCracker, That's almost maybe even bigger than mine now. It's a good looking collection mate.
  2. I really enjoy working with Los and this makes me want to put in my order. Maybe I should.
  3. Yeah...when Los says that it will be in stock on that date that means it will be here in the states. I am still going with the actual release date of the 9th or 10th for overseas.
  4. Yeah...maybe across seas....but you know that it always takes longer to get here. Maybe you'll get lucky and Los will get his shipment sooner than the 30th.
  5. OMG!!! BTW...I just noticed that your smileys are Ballchinians as well...too funny.
  6. Lettin us down it would seem. Comeon Swoosh......WE NEED YOU!
  7. I don't know about that. That pooping in the can (actually opening a can) Hikaru is my personal fav. so far.
  8. Good point. Maybe I should get a quote.
  9. SaveRobotech, THANKS for the posting. That's a pretty fair deal. I wish I had the extra dough for these.
  10. Can't wait to check this out tonight. THANKS Jenius!!!
  11. Wicked Ace, You never fail. I'm ALWAYS impressed. AWESOME PICS!!!
  12. I feel the same. I will only be doing a spruce up on the paint and not doing much more to my Gakken....mainly because I don't have the skills.
  13. Now that's just weird. F it man...Get pissed playin S-Ball and then do your review. I bet it will be entertaining to say the least
  14. Yeah....for sure mate....that girl in the middle (i think she was the one) was HOT! EDIT-----> Yeah the middle one.....
  15. Your nose looks stubby in fighter mode Yeah...I agree...it does...but I don't mind it. I don't like it when in Battroid mode it looks all pointy and weird.
  16. I thought about it but you got to it first.
  17. So...yeah...Jenius...I love your reviews...I need you to get that baby popped out so I can droll over the pics. The TREAD looks BAD A$$!!!
  18. ehhh....doesn't look that bad. I am sure someone or Yamato will find a way to cover it up.
  19. Eeeeewwwwwwwwwweeeeeee
  20. No...another member here by the name of SilverDragon made them. He did do an excelent job.
  21. RIGHT ON G MAN! THANKS for being our mouths (I know that sounds funny...but you do so much speaking for us....it is very kind of you)
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