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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Good luck with this Miriya...I am certain it will turn out wonderfully. Be careful with the Dremel though. I have close to the lowest powered one and it is POWERFUL. Also...good choice at the liquor shop .
  2. Aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww How cute. Lucky boyo.
  3. Hell yeah!!! Cool collection mate.
  4. This means that there is a possibility that at a much later date that I could get a CM's Legioss/TREAD on clearance . Sounds good to me. I know I will find one for cheaper one day.
  5. What fists did you use there for that guy? Also...can you give some pointers on what you did for the neck and possibly take a close up pic of how the legs spread so well and the back of the knees for me?
  6. God I hope not....if so....then I'll NEVER be able to afford the toys...errr I mean "collectibles" that I want.
  7. Hmmmmmmmm........my guess is that it is the upper portion of the legs that I cannot spread them far enough apart. I will look tonight and see. In regards to the decals....IIRC the toy came with the striped stickers and a couple of others already on it from the factory and the rest came on a sheet. I know that if you order decals from Reprolabels that they have the striped decals on there. BTW---GREAT JOB on the painting. It looks wonderful.
  8. Blah blah blah....the euro CRUSHES the dollar.....blah blah blah.... This actually makes me VERY sad America is supposed to be sooooo great....why does our dollar blow.....I hope for a better economy.
  9. I'll take a look later and see if I can explain it to ya. I'll await the pics of yours when you get them.
  10. MacrossMan & hal9000, To both of you...VERY NICE setups! And MM...lucky lucky you to have a wife soooooooo cool.
  11. HOLY TF GOODNESS!!! That collection is SPECTACULAR!
  12. That's totally strange. Even with mine being fine I cannot seem to get the figure onto the bike. Can you post a few pics in the "Strike a Pose" section with your figure sitting on the bike for me PLEASE!
  13. Rey has'nt impressed me enough I guess.
  14. After watchin some Genesis Climber Mospeada it made me wanna give Stick a cool pose. and another of Rey...finally TFed
  15. After taking a closer look, it would seem that someone (beagle) finally got the attachment of the hip armor/rear wheel covers between the bottom of the ride armor and the knee correct. Or at least really damn close. About time I must say.
  16. misterryno

    Latest custom.

  17. I am too!!!! THANKS for posting those wonderful pics again. And the vid.
  19. Jenius, That's a sweet pose mate. I am about to go read your review. I bet it's as good as they all are. gilermo, That's a good one!
  20. SAVE, THANKS for the pics mate. That green looks smoooooooooth.
  21. I still think this is a damn good looking RA. I just hope the final product is even better.
  22. drifand, Sriously now mate. Those are some BAD A$$ PICS!!! THANKS for sharing. But...why can't anyone ever put their pics in the "Strike a Pose: Mospeada Version"???
  23. Yes yes....thanks for the pics mate. I can't wait to pick one of these up.
  24. Of course You're still sick
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