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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Twoducks, GREAT PICS!!! THANKS!!! The sodimizing pics scare me I dig the bandai stands. I need to pic a couple of those up.
  2. miriya, THOSE ARE GREAT!!! I LOVE Zentraedis that love to drink! Keep em comin. I will need to post some soon.
  3. drifand, as always...awesome pics/poses mate!!! Keep the stories comin!
  4. AWESOME PICS!!! THANKS!!! This makes me sooooooooo excited!
  5. I forgot to ask on my last post. What exactly is a Volks??? I would like to obtain some of those hands.
  6. Okay...I'm not too awesome at this so far...but I will try that method out. I just took my Gakken apart and got some paint. I just need 1 more screw out but it is super stripped. Got any methods on getting that out? I got a "spiral screw extractor" but I cannot get it to work correctly.
  7. Great reviews guys. I am looking forward to owning a Legioss/TREAD. Although...I think I may still only want a Legioss and not a TREAD. Who knows...I may like them both. I don't know. Too indecisive.
  8. OH NO! This is VERY bad news. COME ON CM!!! DON'T LET ME DOWN!!!
  9. THANKS for the link!!! I will watch this tomorrow.
  10. Yes yes...you must be careful when at the Home Depot. Tell that kid of yours to quite making you go there and look at powertools .
  11. $600.00 USD BAM!!! THERE IT IS!!!
  12. Ummmm.....the plane that Hikaru shows up in during the airshow?
  13. I've never heard of that. If there is...which by looking at it would seem that there is...it would be VERY helpful I am sure.
  14. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  15. Those look FANTASTIC!!! I hope you find a printer.
  16. I did'nt look at it closely enough until now. That is too funny!!! Whoever put those FP's on has to be a mook.
  17. Very nice. How many more 1/48's do you need to complete the set? Besides of course the CC (credit card). Maybe another one. There's a couple that are like impossible to get or something like that.
  18. True that my Ballchinian Brother...those were the days. OO Now....back to the subject at hand. I just can't understand why Yamato decided to make the Macoss Zero and Plus 1/60 figures the size they did. I mean....I'm okay with it and all that...but why?
  19. Hey there mate....this is all I found on it... The Macross boxset collects all 36 episodes of this groundbreaking series that inspired the Robotech trilogy during the 1980s, completely uncut with Japanese dialogue and English subtitles. Using the latest technology, the video has been fully restored and shows why Macross is considered a classic in the world of Anime! Special Features: Digitally Restored Masters Uncut Japanese Dialogue And Footage English Subtitles Country:Japan Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo Aspect Ratio:1.33:1 FullscreenTransfer Format:4:3 Category: Anime Box Sets Region:4 Format: DVD Year:1982 Distributor: Madman Rating:M15+ Languages: Japanese Subtitles: English Running Time:800 mins Hope this helps...
  20. You always amaze me mate. I can't wait to see your collection in all it's splendor in person. Those super poseable VF-1's look ALOT cooler than I thought they do in the package...or maybe it's just your handy camera work . I need to get a VF-1S Strike Hikky Super Poseable.
  21. Me too......that's actually one of my most favorite Jim C. movies EVER!!! But I must say...I believe it's...La Hoo Za Her....
  22. PLEASE do! Can't wait to see them.
  23. Well.....get to it already mate . My collection aint $hit anymore and until it is something worth while to look at again I will not be posting any collection pics.
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