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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. I hope your assumption is correct. But we all know what assuming does .
  2. Yep...that's the one were they group is just watching it and it just blows up.
  3. Ahhhhh I CAN see them now. I just needed to look closely. THANKS!!! I can see them coming out with an "unmanned"or "manned" version then but not sure. We'll see right.
  4. Ahhhhhh now I get it. Thanks for the help.
  5. I would like to do some more work but I really am not sure how to do some things and don't quite trust myself. I bet the battle damage looks hella cool . For my visor I used Krylon fusion ultra flat black. You cannot see through it whatsoever but that is okay with me. If you have some tips for me I will gladly accept them. Can you PM them to me PLEASE? BTW...I relly dig the hands and the color of the legs and forearms on your Gakken.
  6. Where do you get this info. I didn't see one with a TREAD on the show at all.
  7. GREAT!!! Now that's what I'm talkin bout!!! WOOOOO HOOOO!!! It probally will not have a TREAD so we may be able to get this guy for a little cheaper.
  8. gilermo, THANKS for the pics!!! Lovely Mospeada collection you have there. I am VERY jealous. Good idea with the zip ties. That may not be the all round American word for it...but that's what I call them.
  9. I was just watching some GCM and almost forgot about the "Dark Legioss" until the battle at Reflex Point. Do y'all think that CM will be awesome enough to put out a Dark Legioss?!? I hope so! That would be a definate buy.
  10. THANKS!!! That last pic is my fav!
  11. Good....now I know that this person can be trusted. I am considering buying the red version from him off eBay if he has any by the time I get paid next.
  12. If you look in the pics that eyesonme78 provided it seems as it did come with both. THAT'S AWESOME!!!
  13. Heres a few of my freshly painted Gakken. I am thinking of doing the bike but I just am not sure when...if I deceide to. I like the more camo green for the rider armor and I mixed some testers red and flat black and the color that came out was damn near identical to that already on the arms. Anywho....ENJOY!!!
  15. Very cool mate. Did the green legioss/TREAD come with tiny Yellow figures??? This means that the red will come with tiny Horquetts? COOLIO!!!
  16. eyesonme78, I am sure none of us mind at all. I know that I LOVE to see the poses that people can throw out there with their Mospeada collections. THANKS for contributing. The Green Charging Knight looks BAD A$$!
  17. I love it. I am finally finished with the rider of my Gakken. I don't know if I am going to mess with the bike though.
  18. I have not decided that. I just was thinking about it. It's a hell of alot of money. I would have to be some crazy completest. But, if you think about it. It's not too bad of a deal for all 3. Considering that the Green and the Red may be VERY hard to get ahold of for a good price very soon.
  19. That's what they're for! Alot of peeps tend to forget that.
  20. RIGHT ON! THANKS! I was sitting here just about to go do some comparison pics. Saved me the trouble though .
  21. Now first off...I understand that this is NOT the place for this...but...I am about to spend my next paycheck on it. EvilBay Auction # 180235396526 CHECK IT OUT!!!
  22. What he said Sam m man. Can you help the less talented out (well I can't really say that for I am progressing on my customizing quite a bit) but you know what I mean.
  23. I must be not looking very hard for I am having trouble figuring out what has been modded. Can someone elaborate for me PLEASE?
  24. GREAT POSE Mate!!! Neener neener neener To all those who like to dis the MH. That pose is the BOMB!!! On both the CM and MH of course...But I do looooovvvveeee the MH.
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