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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. THANKS! That's cool....what image software and version are you using and is it expensive?
  2. THANKS! No I have not tried that yet. I was unaware that was possible. I will try it here shortly. Until then...here are some more pics. That last one is my favorite....it looks like he's playing a piano or a zombie sitting down
  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again...I hope Yamato deals with this issue quickly if they have not already. But this will not detour me from purchasing this entire line. They are wayyyyyy to sweet.
  4. I grabbed this idea from Swoosh when he posted them of his new 1A. I had to use elastics (that's Canadian for rubber bands....personally I LIKE it)...anyways...I had to use elastics in order to keep the arms together at the right position so I could get a nice sideways launch arm position like it looks (kinda) on the DYRL.
  5. Wow......nice paint job.....I need some skills like that.
  6. And there it is...........SIDECOVERS!!!
  7. Heh......you need not worry bout those tabs. I've TFed mine quite a bit with much success. BW does have a cool GERWALK mode. Also this crazy mode...
  8. Yes....it tis a bit of an annoyance. Nothing that can't be worked past. And thus far....the only "major" problem.
  9. I was thinking the same thing! It looks like it just crawled out of a swamp.
  10. That's the same spot mine broke off too The left one is just fine.
  11. I can't for sure say which model to start on. They are all excellent choices. Just make sure you post your progress/completed work in the model section for us to drool over . HAPPY BIRTHDAY by the way!
  12. Good lookin collection you have goin on there mate! I will be posting soon enough. Just need to wait for more of my stuff to get here.
  13. A remake of this figure would be GREAT! I have pieced together my own over the years. It's almost complete.
  14. Shameless plugs are the ONLY way to go .
  15. no....it's just my favorite. I guess I misunderstood the purpose of this poll until recently. If it is going the way I think then I guess I would change my vote to a VF-4 as well. It's aight....but not uber cool.
  16. GOOD LUCK!!!
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