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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Here's a couple pics of the TREAD holding the weapons. It seems that the TREAD hands are better suited for this.
  2. Hmmmmm......right you are. I do concur with the chunky hands. Those are some of my favs. To bad the TREAD hands are'nt like the GBP-1 hands or the Bubble TV hands that came with certain 1/48 valks. I will look into some Gundam hands...thanks for the idea...I am also thinking that I could get a set of the 1/48 GBP or Bubble hands and drill them out. I will need some comparison pics of those with the TREAD hands thought to see if they are the right size. I'm guessing no. But can someone help a Ninja out?!?
  3. Has anyone come up with a good way for better support for the Legioss to hold his gun? It holds okay....until you go to position the arm differently.
  5. $5 + Lunch = A STEAL!!! I can't wait...hopefully I'm not to rusty and I 'll woop some bum at the poker table. I wanna steal some little kids candy!
  6. THANKS for the help as well mate. I appreciate it. Now all I need is money .
  7. THANKS for the help!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!
  8. THANKS for all the info and the words of encouragment mate! I really appreciate it. I will look for those clippers soon. I can't wait to do more work on it. I'll keep everyone posted on this.
  9. That one looks like it's gonna be fun too!
  10. Cool then....I have a whole set of exacto knives....I just thought maybe there was some sort of special super duper sharp cutters I should use.
  11. I considered that...but then I found that if I need to I will touch up the pieces as I take them off. Since this is my first model I am trying some different approaches. We'll have to see how it works out for me. BTW....Can you suggest a REALLY GOOD and SHARP pair of cutters for getting the pieces off the sprues?
  12. Eh....Postage from Singapore is not too bad.....that's if you think $50 USD is not too bad Hell....I might need your help with that too.
  13. THANKS...I'll need it.
  14. Here's the next batch of pieces I just got done with the base coat of paint. There's ALOT more work to do. Another day though. About to head out with the wife for dinner. I'll see if I can do more work come Tue. night.
  15. Hey all. I just started my very first real model. I have done a few snap togethers when I was a kid but this one is the real deal. It's a Bandai 1/100 VF-1S Battroid with Super/Strike Parts. Here's the box... Here's what the finish product is supposed to look like...but instead of yellow I am using red... Here's the first pieces to get painted... And the next to get painted... More to come...
  16. No way that I have seen mate. Good luck. If you do...let us know fo sure.
  17. God I hope not...but it probally will
  18. Hey all. I just started my very first real model. I have done a few snap togethers when I was a kid but this one is the real deal. It's a Bandai 1/100 VF-1S Battroid with Super/Strike Parts. Here's the box... Here's what the finish product is supposed to look like...but instead of yellow I am using red... Here's the first pieces to get painted... And the next to get painted... More to come...
  19. You know what would be AWESOME!?! A RAH Bretai!!! He would be HUGE!
  20. I got to thinking that also. I just adjusted it slightly and depending on what angle I am looking at it makes it nearly unnoticable. Too bad these bad boys and girls cost a small fortune. I am seriously contiplating getting the other 2 with my stimulating check.
  21. I noticed that too. Weird. I did not force them at all. I will take a closer look at the TREAD when I get back. Gotta go get makings for dinner this evening. Chile Renenos (spelling) YUM!!!!
  22. So like.....are your guys' misaligned as much as mine is. I mean...when it is in the poses you don't really notice...I'm just curious.
  23. .........sorry......I've been there. Usually it makes it easier to have my fiancee go with me or I just tell her "I need you to show me EXACTLY what you want"
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