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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Yeah....I currently hold a black belt in Taekwondo and hold the 2007 state champion of colorado records for sparring and weapons in my division. I got out of it almost a year ago because my instructor is a bad person and I did not want to associate myself with him or his school. I will be joining another school up the road run by a world champ once I feel like I am ready again.
  2. HELL YEAH we like them!!! At least I do! My favorite is the Legioss delivering the front kick to the TREAD. That Legioss can kick as high as I can.....I'm impressed. Keep the cool shots coming mate.
  3. Thanks for that!!! That was REALLY COOL!!!
  4. Hey all. I posted this question in another topic but did not get any answers. So I figured I would start a topic with this question. I have been contiplating on stickering the hell out of my CM Legioss/TREAD and was curious if someone knew of a brush on or spray on "sealer" for decals. I noticed in the hobby shop where I buy my brush on paints that there is a "decal" something or other by Testors. What's that all about? PLEASE do help me for I would like to sticker these guys soon. THANKS.
  5. HELL YEAH BROTHER!!! Those old skool Gakkens are BAD A$$!!! One day I will own one.
  6. *drools as well* Ohhhhhh I can imagine a wonderful world of AWESOME mospeada and macross GIFS.
  7. THANKS!!! I'm glad that you like them!!! I want to see some more poses of your RA's PLEASE!!!
  8. Man.....all I have is the free version of photoshop and don't get to do all those cool things. I guess I better just buy a version or steal one from work if they have one.
  9. That totally blows mate. Sorry to hear that.
  10. Hey all. I am going to be attending the MW Con this year and was looking for someone to split a room with. I have been given some info on the 2 hotels that are right near the event and the less expensive of the 2 is the Holiday Inn. I found that I can get a room with 2 double sized beds for $125/night. I will be staying there 2-3 nights myself. I am used to sharing rooms with many people sometimes 5 per room when I would go out of town for martial arts tournaments. If you are interested...PLEASE shoot me a PM and we will discuss it. THANKS ALOT. EDIT----> OR if there is anyone that lives in SOCAL that would be interested in letting me crash at their place (I'm a REALLY clean and well mannered and trustworthy person) I would ba happy to throw them some cashola.
  11. THAT IS SOOOOOOO COOL!!! Thanks for sharing.....I HATE YOU LOL Not really.
  12. Good luck...I am sure it will turn out just fine.
  13. I was thinking the same thing.
  14. That's still strange for me to hear (yet believeable) cause the VF-0S that I used to have (granted it was not the one with the Ghost Booster) was PERFECT.
  15. I figured. LOL...looks cool though.
  16. Have you seen that 1985 movie "Gotcha"??? I wanna be strip searched by that one lady that strip searches Linda Fiorentino aka Sharon Brewster aka Sasha Benachec (charactor names) in that movie. Not really though
  17. Looks like a D_ _ D _ on his back . I do agree though...VERY creative. Did you have a speacial way that you used to "secure" it?
  18. Even though I love bandai and kinda sorta like Yamato....I feel ya on that.
  19. I wish I lived that close to their warehouse...the only thing that stops me is the shipping. The price is decent but I have had an item here and there that the box for it was smooshed a bit because of the air bubble thingys they use. Those things are sometimes more harmful than helpful. They REALLY need to switch to bubble wrap and then I will be a happy customer again. But...I have ALWAYS had great customer service from them.
  20. You would get stripped searched in NO TIME!!!
  21. THANKS for the linky!!! I have heard so many good things about this gent. I will need to order some deacals myself soon.
  22. Beat me to the punch...
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