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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. I just wanted to say that I LOVE your avatar. Sooooo funny!
  2. BAD A$$!!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO THANKS SHUN!!!! I hope the visor will be black....even though it looks kinda super dark greenish.
  3. MaveRick, BAD A$$ as always mate. BTW....Where have you been??? I can't say that I remember seeing you for a while.
  4. Ummmmm....one reason for me at least is because she was all like "Grace, have you forgotten who I am? I'm Sheryl" That's not professional.....of course she knows who you are you SNOB! LOL
  6. And run oh so very fast.....Macross has a way of being just like Jason Voheas(spelling). YOu may run through that damned forest as fast as you can but for some reason it keeps up with you just fine.
  7. I figured I should be waiting for that one also but I will get a Roy first and probally paint it.
  8. Is that not just the stupidest thing?!? I mean......comeon CM.....give us some damn landing gear. The "linkup" device is okay and all that (could be MUCH better) but I want some landing gear. Even though the Legioss has some crappy landing gear (the rear gear) at least it has it.
  9. Oh....duh...... ......I keep forgetting that you are not buying one of these and therefor do not know. Yes...the support/linker device is all one piece that fits to the bottom of the TREAD and can be removed. It's not a great attachment by any means but does the job.....kinda.
  10. WELCOME!!! Say goodbye to your wallet .
  11. Me either...I bet some Gundam are in it.
  12. If they listen to the fans and spice up the artwork and this and that then i figure they will do better than expected.
  13. The price isn't bad for the Supers....but the standard valks......that price is REDICULOUS! I am hoping that the "exotic" valks. won't be to crazy in price. I would kill for a Super O. I really would.
  14. LOL.....I sold it long ago. We will have to see if the member that I sold it to has had issues.
  15. I'm hear for that reason alone. J/K!!!
  16. I agree with you and eriku. I have not ordered from BBTS is a LONG LONG time. Things have prob. changed since then. I have always had great customer service from them....the packaging was only a problem a few times. If they are using bubble wrap then coolio. I have the reissues w/FP's pre-ordered with BBTS now...so we will see how well they ship them. I added to 2 bucks per for "collectors grade" so that may help.
  17. Because of this poll....I am going up as we speak
  18. Then I'm changing my answer to her.....SHE IS HOT!!!
  19. Who's the girl in Gubaba's avatar? That looks like Fronteir. Is it not? Anyways....SHE'S HOT!!!
  20. It does look pretty sweet for a Valk. that gets blown up the most.
  21. WOW......I have seen so many posts like this one. I don't get it. My VF-OS first edition was perfect. Nothing wrong at all. I feel bad for all those who had a dud.
  22. That's a good plan brother.
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