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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Sooooo yeah.....you wanna hook me up with one of those machines? We can be partners and make lots and lots of money!
  2. Well......the shoulder breakages have not been reported on the 1As as of yet. So I would not worry too much. Just be careful.
  3. Los is a VERY reliable seller and I do all of my in the states ordering from him. He usually gets back to me via email within 24 hours if not sooner. The orders go out usually the day after he receives them. I have had it happened where I was charged and then the shipment coming to him was later than expected. It happens sometimes.
  4. And of course the VE-1 and VT-1. And the 1D. But hey....I'm gettin a little nuts here. OO
  5. I am going to do all I can to find how to make a metal portion of that part that breaks. .it may not be much. .but I sure the hell will try .
  6. THANKS for the great comparison pics! Now can you throw it next to a 1/48. I guess I could later. I'm just lazy.
  7. Didn't even see that till now. I don't think we did get anything in 2007 at all.....maybe that's when they had this notion off a reissue and they thought they should put in on the box.
  8. Styrofoam would be nice...but it's soooooo 1980's. And the reason that there is no Minmay or clusters is cause that's the 1A not the 1S Strike. SOON THAT WILL BE OUT......YAAYYYYYYYYY!!!! I don't have to try to keep building mine up....if you perhaps......gave me one of yours that would be nice.
  9. All the 2001 reissues came with heatshields except for the 1J Hikaru.
  10. Alpha OTS, That looks like a pretty fun mode. Good job. And thanks for the pics.
  11. I guess I wouldn't make that much money though because they would never see me before I killed them. Why would I kill them you say....cause that's just what Ninja do.
  12. I dig it! I'm gonna have to restart my chunky collection. EDIT----> In order to spend and get everything I want I need to become a stripper as my part time job. Anyone think I can do it?!?
  13. What he said G Man!
  14. I have stated that I like him alot (even being as small as he is) but you make an excellent point about how much easier it would have been to make him a space cannon. I guess they just though kids would not buy into a cannon....but a tank....ssuuuuurrrrreee.
  15. VERY NICE pieces! A must have nowadays!
  16. Says the 15th last time I looked. I'm having a hard time not going to check every day.
  17. Dig that Galvy!!! One of my favs. Your totally right though...the orange is a bit too orange.
  18. Now THAT is a skill to have you could get on Americas Got Talent or whatever the hell that show is with Hasslehoff.
  19. Well I guess I won't use it this time. I need to get a different version of Photshop than I have now. Anyways...here's some more pics. I strapped my launch arm to the side of my display case. I did tighten the arms but they are still to loose. I had to use more elastics. One day I will get a better set up. Then my pics will be INSANE!
  20. BAD A$$!!! I'm downloading it now and will post my latest pics with it. It was made just for me....I mean...I am a Ninja.
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