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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Your son is the cutest......don't worry brother....he WILL like Booby Ducks eventually.
  2. Yeah.....I know.....I'm nuts! It looks good thus far but I don't know if I hav ethe balls to go for the swivle torso. That me be too much for me to handle.
  3. God they are soooooo ugly and yet soooooo cute Thanks for sharing. As soon as I get home I will be shooting some more pics. BE READY!!!
  4. OverDrive has their pr-order up too. 50 bones plus 17 more to the US sounds like a sweet deal to me. I will buy one sometime soon.
  6. I normally don't do WIP pics but since this is a very small project in some ways here are 2 quick pics of the pieces I just painted. I'll take more once i put it back together later.
  7. Here are some pics of my newly acquired 1/35 Gakken Legioss Stick Version...it took alot of elbow grease to clean this sucker but in the end it looks MUCH MUCH nicer. It did not come with the gunpod or the mini figure but I have acquired a gunpod recently I just need a grip for it for the one on mine is broken. I also need to fix the righ wing for it is a tad saggy and the right arm at the shoulder for it does not go in all the way. Then after a little anime accurate (the white not the blue) paint job and some stickers/decals she will be lookin as sweet as ever. ENJOY!!! MORE TO COME!
  8. You are soooooo totally right mate. I don't even have alot of valks but because of Macross/Robotech I have dabbled into Mospeada as well....and this IS the year for Mospeada fans. And at $300 per Legioss/TREAD combo and $70 per MH Ride Armor and then another $200 per Beagle Ride Armor....I'm totally in for it. PLUS I gotsta get the VF-1S Stike Hikky V2 from the new 1/60 line. BTW.....your new phrase is the $hit!!!
  9. I was looking just now but I cannot tell mate.
  10. GREAT! I will be getting to work on this tonight hopefully. I guess I should post some pics of this bad boy when I get home.
  11. I was only going to qoute one part of this....but it is all true. Keepin it real Shin.
  12. Yeah....I got my Ray from HoHoToys and they said they had to wait for it to ship from overseas and when I got it the box had the Toynami sticker on it. Still does. I should take that off.
  13. Posted this in the line art topic but thought maybe I could get a quicker answer here. Hey all....would you say this is the most accurate pic to go by for color? I was thinking of giving my Gakken Legioss I just got a little paint job. I don't so much care for changing the blue color...mostly I am wondering about the areas that are white in this pic....I believe this pic goes well with the CMs Legioss but not the Gakken.
  14. GREAT! I can't wait to see it. I have been checking your site almost daily to see if they were there yet. I saw the VS posting with the Ride Armors and it was great. Keep up the good work mate.
  15. I know I sit here and read all this while supposibly trying to work and laugh and laugh and laugh. But the truth is....IT'S ALL TRUE!!! YOU ARE DOOMED!!! WELCOME once more brother. We will be here for you when you need someone to say "yeah....it's okay to buy more....we all buy more....there's no stopping it now"
  16. Hey all....would you say this is the most accurate pic to go by for color? I was thinking of giving my Gakken Legioss I just got a little paint job. I don't so much care for changing the blue color...mostly I am wondering about the areas that are white in this pic....I believe this pic goes well with the CMs Legioss but not the Gakken.
  18. Too funny! Have you received them both yet?
  19. ......wait.....are you serious...
  20. That's sooooooo static. But nice....THANKS!
  21. Is'nt it funny how often we see photos of "new products" coming out and things are put on wrong/backwords or not TFed right?!? You would think that they would know what the hell they're doing.
  22. Yes....it has been said that the markings are fu(ked up.....it should be Jupiter Base.
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