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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. He's been doing quite a bit of business lately and I am certain that it IS NOT for just Toynami reissue stuff.
  2. Too each their own brother. You can't get mad at someone for liking something different than you. Personally...I don't care for the CM ride armor....I like the MH....but I like the CM Legioss/TREAD and wish MH would make one too.
  3. No...the Toynami Ride Armors are NOT going to be based off of Go-Bots. That is a smooth looking Legioss/Alpha....but that thing is old skool as well brother. Don't get me wrong...I DIG the old skool Chunkys. I have a couple myself.
  4. Well...today I decided to go ahead a paint the pilot. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. It was a bit more diffacult than I expected. Here's a before shot. And After...
  5. That still looks pretty nice though.....in a weird kinda way.
  7. IMO...A Cunky Monkey VF-1 is either a Takatoku or a Bandai. Or even a KO Joons.
  8. In that sense yes. As far as I gather the new 1/60 is just a mini 1/48 ya know.
  9. What are you talking about. The Chunkys are PT too.
  10. Damn straight brother. I'm totally with you on this. I will be gladly restarting my Chunky collection.
  11. I had a feeling there would be a few who felt the same as I.
  12. The Cannon Fodder looks pretty cool inside the anime color GBP Armor.
  13. I just don't get it. Yes I understand that Toynami has had some bad runs in the past. But...MH let them distribute their Ride Armor and all they did was put that silly little "Toynami" sticker on it. I can bet it will be just the same with the reissue bandais. All you people who are "paranoid" about this just are being silly.
  14. Bad Pun....Good Pose and Sweeeeet display stand .
  15. Oh yeah...I forgot....I can read Japanese
  16. To each their own...Go for the Chunky Monkey OF COURSE!!!
  17. I love the risk of this pose. Now back to some regular stuff...
  18. MORE... MORE TO COME!!!
  19. MORE... MORE TO COME!!!
  20. Well....I did some paint modifications to the Gakken Legioss I recently purchased to make it more "anime accurate". The only problem area thus far is the cannon which I totally goofed up on and jest ended up making it pretty inaccurate. It will do for the time being. I still have quite a bit of work to do. This is what I have for now. ENJOY! MORE TO COME!
  21. Pics are coming. BE PREPARED!
  22. Yo K Dogg....THANKS for that update! OOOOOooooooooo EXCITED = ME!
  23. It's just so hard for me to say I like that....EVEN THOUGH it's Hoquett she'ssssss dreamy! That color though makes me wanna puke.
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