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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Ummmmmmm what?!? just playin.....I gotcha.....BTW.....that's a cool pose. Looks like it's clobberin time.
  2. I know.....I just go with it cause it's fun.
  3. Actually that was the 2002 version so not old. And it surely wasn't busted. I do however agree that the 1/48 is sexy.
  4. Good point of looking in the toys section. I did'nt even think about that. You should know by now mate...even if the guy would have said "I don't want a debate" there would of still been one. That's the sad thing about it.
  5. You're right.
  6. Psssshhhhhh there is no equivalent to the awesomeness of the bandai 1/55
  7. That's true.....that is HELLA CHEAP!
  8. Hell yeah man. Bring in the next generation!
  9. misterryno

    2 seater 1/48s

    HELL YEAH!!!
  10. The 1/55 is all powerful. More people will understand this eventually.
  11. OOOoooooo good guess. It may just be.
  12. I'm not nagging you brother........I said "thanks for sparing us" earlier. I know you are working on it. You are sooooo mean. Just Kidding
  13. Of course we don't wanna do it ourselves.....we want you to do it.
  14. Maybe when you get there if you are not there already you will stumble across one. That would be cool eh?!?
  15. And you said it twice. SCHLONG!!!
  16. Oh really?!? Well....thanks for sparing us....I guess....
  17. Yeah seriously now....that one pic certainly is not enough.
  18. WOW!!! When you said "low budget" you were'nt kidding .
  19. Well poo on you.
  20. I agree......if you don't mind waiting a couple of months I would go for the v2 1/60. Of course if your looking to get one now. Then you should go for the CHUNKY!!!
  21. Hell yeah I can! And will!
  22. Well....hearing how well the v2 1/60 turned out....the YF-21 should be marvelous as well.
  23. This all sounds VERY good to me. I am soooooooo happy G-Man. THANKS for the info!!!
  24. There's so many stories going around. We won't really know what happens until it happens. There's been talk that what we get will be taken out of next years refund. Is this true? Who know's? Prob. no one on these forums. We can claim to know by what we read. But is that really the truth? If we all believe what we hear and read...we would all be a bunch of rejects eh? Now....back to the subject at hand.....imagining holding the YF-21 in my hands.....ooooooo.......I hope it has some good weight to it....but not too much.
  25. You are TOTALLY a low budget filipino....but that's why we like you . IIRC the next RA (Yellow) is due out in July and the one for Hoquett...I have no clue on. I have yet to get any super poseables but I am looking to get the blue one fo sure.
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