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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. I of course agree with you on that of the Gurabs and the humanoid piloted invid. On top of it being cool if Revoltech made the invid figures...it would be REALLY cool if they made Stick, Rey, Yellow and Hoquett in their respective Ride Armors.
  2. That's sad. I would fo sure by an army of them.
  3. I have a feeling you ARE correct.
  4. You know brother...you are TOTALLY right. There are not enough "poses" of the SDF-1 out there. COME ON PEOPLE......I'd like to see some SUPER SDF-1 poses. Can you do it?!? Can you PLEASE me!?!
  5. That's because these stands are the $HIT!!! And yes.....if you email Los....I am certain he will be happy to help you. He has some of the best customer service skills around and seems to genuinly care about what his customers think and want.
  6. Oooohhhhh.......MUCH BETTER!!! It is much more solid now. THANKS!
  7. Yes......Yes......Welcome once more to the addiction.
  8. Ooohhhhh.....That's WAY AWESOME!!! Tell your wife GOOD JOB! And a Merry Birthday to you brother!!!
  9. I TOTALLY dig the flexi stands....but I figure if I start collecting the 1/48's I may need to get a few of these stands.
  10. Right on mate! When you get a chance to snap some more pics PLEASE post them in this thread. Macross Variable Fighter - Pose
  11. Just a little more.
  12. Just received this Yamato Stand from Macross Man and I figured I would give it a go on my Legioss since I had no luck with it on my Bandai 1/55's . It seems to work pretty well with the massive Legioss.
  13. Yeahhhhhh.... ............I ummmmm.......just a long day in the sun......nevermind me.
  14. He looks kinda funny exposing his left 6 nipples like that .
  15. I LOVE Jean Claude.......I REALLY DO!!! I have seen ALL of his movies. I think.
  16. You ARE a gangsta mo fo!
  17. Ohhhhh $hit! I would say get out now while you can. But we already tried that and you failed to listen. Now you are DOOMED!!!
  18. DAMN!!! I knew I had hear that somewhere. Damn beer.......make me forget what I am doing or thinking or typing or.....wait....what's going on. Okay bed time for me....gotta be up in 6 hours. GOOD NIGHT!
  19. Have you not learned by now that I cannot spell?!?
  20. It's just too bad that you have never and will never here those words..... EDIT-----> Me totally involving myself in others "discussions".....I am sorry for that.....just had a few too many and can't help myself.
  21. I know huh.....that one kid that posed with Tony looked like he was nervous as all hell just sitting next to him...almost like Tony was a super model. GREAT MOVIE!!! I will buy it fo sure.
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