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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. The worst part is when the girl tells you that when you think you may get a chance to score.
  2. Oh I do as well. I am buying things left and right. My fiancee is threatning to leave me. Not really....but if I were her....I prob. would .
  3. That's a good one. I'll remember that one.
  4. GREAT post! I love it! Don't forget the other a$$hole saying though. Opinons are like a$$holes...everyone has one and they all stink.
  5. Sometimes the complaining just gets old. That's all.
  6. Yep...the green comes with Yellow and Rey. That's pretty cool. Nice POSE Jenius.
  7. You know....after you asked this question....I was like....Hmmmmmmm I wonder too. So here is what I have found. The resissue VF-1J 1/55 Bandai DOES have the stripes on the tail fins just like the newest reissue that is coming out. However...ALOT of art work I have seen and the 1/48 VF-1J by Yamato DOES NOT have them. Why!?! I don't know. IMO - It looks better without them.
  8. Sounds sooooooooo nice. Only if it really happens
  9. Yeah....they're all like "hey...let's throw on a couple more tampo markings and a heatshield and I bet they'll pay an extra 30 bucks"
  10. It's still not worth 90 bones though.
  11. Right on. Although now that I am thinking about it. There may be pics posted already. Anyone know?
  12. Cooooooooollllllio! I want one. Do you have a scanner that you will be able to get us some pics out of there? Unless we already have them of course.
  13. Awwww.....Comon guys......it's just next month.
  14. I can't say he looks more white. But I can say that the heatshield is a HUGE improvement.
  15. You mean she does'nt get mad when you are looking at your display case when you are supposed to be focusing on her?!? LUCKY! My fiancee sits there and just shakes her head when I'm staring at my display. She just does'nt get it. That's too bad for her cause Macross is the shiznit.
  16. I think I like that framed picture of the kitty better .
  17. Those 2 are adorable! Is there a frog one too?!? I should just search them and get some more.
  18. I'm fianally finding the time to read through this thread and I have wet myself at least 4 times. THANKS! PS.....I would LOVE to see the Gummy Bear movie in the IMAX.
  19. Of course you don't care.
  20. You are too funny! I was just about to say once you own a chunky you'll love them for life...but...you owned a Joons which IS NOT THE SAME but the style is if you know what I mean?!? THANKS anyways though for the CONGRATS. I am wayyyy happy for this piece is an essential part for my Strike Hikky Shrine.
  21. Last time you told me to trust you I ended up in the hospital. But no....Really now....flawless? If so....YES YES YES!!!
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