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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. I'm all about breaking records. It makes it harder in a way for me cause I like for everyone to know what exactly I am responding to. It would'nt be sooooo bad but I was out in the field for monday and not in the office. EDIT----> I did'nt know you could do that. I will try it soon. THANKS.
  2. Have'nt received mine yet. I will check the mail again tonight and report back.
  3. Thanks but I got them on my Strike Hikky. I just need to spice em up a bit. I'm not diggin the shiny white paint. I'm thinkin I might have to go for a flat white.
  4. REALLY! Thanks for the info mate! I have NOOOOOOOO need to worry then.
  5. THANKS brother! I bet you can do it too.
  6. Aint that some $hit! I will totally be looking for the best price possible when I get some mula and some more 1/48s.
  7. Whatever man.....those are COOL poses! I like the pose you have Max in the most. MORE MORE....WE WANT MORE!
  8. THANKS mate! I will be trying to bust out some cool moves either tonight or tomorrow.
  9. Coolio! I have a set of TV hands coming soon. I will be needing to purchase that 1A off you soon. I am also getting a VF-1S head from SD so that I can just make that 1A a 1S.
  10. Those pics are for sure the bomb mate! I am prob. gonna use a macro for my valk panel lines. That's what I used for the armor and gunpod. I use the black only....it makes the valk. look a bit cartoony...but I like it. I'll post pics once I do so. On the username...you sign Mr. Reagan....why don't you use that? Does'nt matter to me though. I was just sayin that Cypher (from the Matrix NOT you) is a douch bag (spelling).
  11. Miriya & ruskiiVFaussie, THANKS! I'm on the side covers issue now. I just got a PM from SD asking what parts I needed and those are some of them. Can't wait to get them.....the valk will be sooooooo much cooler.
  12. HOLY $HIT!!! THANKS for the linky! I guess I'll have to sell blood and semen now.
  13. Here's lookin at you kid..................before I blast you away
  14. I heard you can do some hard time for this stuff.
  15. Now that was adorable and the coreography was good too! THANKS!
  16. And I can vouch for this man....his collection is SOOOOOO MUCH LARGER now! It's simply beautiful. Any completest would be jealous.
  17. I would LOVE to share the LOVE with Ranka and Nanase at the same time. Well hell....you might as well through Sheryl and Klan Klan in the mix while you're at it.
  18. That looks GREAT! Good job mate.
  19. Well.....good thing I have'nt sprayed my valk yet. I keep my valks inside and out of direct sunlight as well. I hope it does'nt turn yellow. I guess we'll see eh.
  20. Yeah....What?!?
  21. You are going/gone nuts....I mean...look to your avatar....that kitty looks crazzzzzzyyyy.
  22. That is EXACTLY what I was thinking!
  23. At first I was just thinking that guy has tiny hands....but no no no...it's gonna be big. YAY!!!
  24. GOD DAMN!!! THAT IS HOT HOT HOT!!! I need to get one of those eventually.
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