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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Oh my! That is one gorgeous valk! THANKS for the pics! When Tfing it....did you happen to have any issues with smudging like on the LowVis? Also...once you get that translated or someone on here does...PLEASE SHARE!
  2. Well you must have REALLY good vision. Perhaps you can tell me what color of undies I am wearing. Seriosly though....you can see something like the seat folded down from that pic? I don't know about that mate.
  3. Good idea....THANKS! I will see what I can do.
  4. Yeah they are. Most of them would'nt know what to do witha woman that size. And when she's miclonized...then she just looks like a child....eeeewwwwwww
  5. Well last night I was watching "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" with one of my favorite actors Jack Nicholson (spelling) and trying to get some cool poses with my Strike Hikky Super Poseable...then something horrible happend. The arm snapped clean off at the bicep . I looked closely and it seems as if there was simply too much paint. It's sad to have this happen but it gived me the chance to try and invent a fix for it. I'll have to see what I can do but I am open to suggestions.
  6. This has pretty much turned into the Nanase one....click here -----> B.O.I.N.G.
  8. What color are Nanases panties anyways?!?
  9. I know right.....I did a google search on her with and without her last name added Macross, Frontier and all that good stuff and hardly came up with anything at all. Very disappointing.
  10. What about it? That has been out for a LONG time.
  11. I was just about to ask the same. I mean....it would seem that ALOT of us are in the 30-35 year range. And if that's the case.....we sure the hell are not mature most times .
  12. YUM! I can't wait! No really though.....these toys are really neat. I think I'll REALLY enjoy the movie to.
  13. That's some AWESOMNESS right there! GREAT looking Mospeada collection!
  15. I know....isn't she sleek and HOT! Something about her eyes.
  17. You are absolutly correct mate.
  18. Yeah.....what he said.....I'm shocked!
  19. That's a good price. There are some that have gotten it for like $212 shipped. But those are usually preorders or through Valkyrie Exchange.
  20. Nahhhhhh......you guys are just trying to find something wrong with it .
  21. I dig it fo sho...I will have to save some dough and buy one.
  22. For sure that is good. I was very impressed with the tampo printing on the CM Legioss/TREAD. I am certain I will be equally impressed with the printing on these valks.
  23. There's ALWAYS room for complaints .
  24. No sorry. On my only 1/48 which is the one pictured I have a set of recast GBP hands from DyNo. I need to strip that paint though and make them look better. That's my plan for tonight I think.
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