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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. EXACTLY my sentiment my good man
  2. ::cough:: ....I know....I've been conteplating all day on weather or not I would need those for the amount of the decals that I would actually use from that sheet. I don't think it would be worth it for me. I do wish you the best of luck with getting rid of them though. I spoke with Ballchinian Brother MacrossMan about them even but he wanted some for a 1A I believe.::cough::
  3. I KNOW!!! ME EITHER!!! WOOT WOOT!!! And WOW!!!
  4. As you say... Welcome Meninge! What this I hear of a "SDF-Crew"?!? I'm gonna go Google that right now and see what comes up while waiting for you to reply to this. Are you like a Dance Crew?!? That would be the bomb!
  5. ....Thanks for fielding that for me! I was a bit caught up with the days activities. As for Booby Ducks...I just.......prefer.......that expression .
  6. Sigh....... I just realized that on the VF-1S sticker sheet there is no "VF" stickers to go near the feet. WTF is with that?
  7. That's a nice chart as well. I like how you incorporated the ghost in there. Can you add a VF-1 with booby ducks?
  8. THANKS! I like it. It really helps me visualize how all the 1/60s will correspond with one another. Now I can figure out just how big the VF-11 and others should be. My suggestion....add a VF-25.
  9. I stumbled across this so I thought I would share. Just cause it's soooo bad a$$!
  10. ...yeah yeah yeah...I'm not too much of a fan of the Joes these days. My younger self would be ecstatic to be...I just wanted to shove it in your faces that someone else has had luck..... .....just playin.....maybe.
  11. My FAVORITE thing about you brother....is how optimistic you are . I must say though...I TOTALLY agree with you that one must have at least the Trilogy and the GBP to make a true Chunky collection. That is my hope for this line this time around. We'll see though eh!?! I also concur with you on the re-sculpting of the strike cannon. There's not too much I would change.....just a little.
  12. Agent-GHQ has found them at Target.
  13. misterryno

    Yamato 1/60 VF-1 v.2

    I figured that this baby is sooooooo HOT that I would make an entire for it. First comes Roy...there will be a hell of alot more to follow. I hope ;-)
  14. Unfortunately there is not that option...but I think that most of us already know that over 50% of the people that are interested in the 1/55 reissues are only interested in those 3. I am not.....I am interested in all of them. I just need to save some extra dough to get them all.
  15. DAMN STRAIGHT!!! especially since the only 1/55 I have right now is my Strike Hikky which I built from parts.
  16. DECULTURE INDEED!!! Oh my oh my oh my....Ron....ALWAYS impressive. I can't wait to see these beauties in person. I will fo sho be at next years con and if you are not there then I will just have to swing by your crib and snag ya up.
  17. AcroRay, I can't wait to see the finished product.....or even a mock up! What a wonderful idea you have had.
  18. Ummmmmm.....we are on topic. So the VF-1S Hikaru will be out before the 1D? That's cool with me. The Strike Hikky is the one I was the most anyways. Besides of course the VE and VT. I have determined...with how popular the v.2 1/60 line is. Yamato will milk it. And we will all buy in to it.
  19. Went with Alto. Sad but oh so true.
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