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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. VERY AWESOME Brother! I see you have improved your posing skills.....I knew that you would! GREAT PICS AND DISPLAY!!! OO
  2. GREAT POSE! You aint kiddin Ruskii. The pics are bordering on pro lately!
  3. Great guys.....thanks for the input. I thought that was the answer I was looking for and you all just helped confirm. Much appreciated. And don't stress Kyp......soon enough......soon.......enough.
  4. Great shots thanks for that. So I am certain that it has been said before but I want to make sure that I know. The reason the 1/60 Zero and Plus figures are so large compared to the VF-1 is because in all actuality they are "true to scale"?
  5. It all depend on what you want to use....a spray or a brush on. I prefer spray and have recently started using Testors Dull Coat which you could find and Hobby Lobby or Michaels or any other hobby shop I am sure. There has been some rumors a page or 2 back saying that this dull coat will help yellow your figures but there has also been some good defense of it. I used it on my VF-1A after stickering and panel lining for I am feeling that it will not yellow my figure...plus I DO NOT keep my figures near sunlight at all. BTW...GREAT JOB on that SV-51.
  6. Sooooooo......when Ron said this..... You are saying that he is lying? I mean....what does this awesome custom specialist have to gain by giving false information? Can you suggest another type of Dull coat spray that I could find easily?
  7. misterryno

    Max VF-1S

    I noticed this....VERY AWESOME....I wish I were rich
  8. misterryno

    Max VF-1S

  9. VERY AWESOME! Keep up the great work mate.
  10. I like the blood. Even in the range of the right area.....GREAT JOB!
  11. Ohhhh baby oh baby....I am sooooooo waiting for you to finish this MASTERPIECE! It looks terrific mate.
  12. Sorry mate....but this would not be that hard whatsoever. If I took the time...I could make them. Now wanting to take that kind of time currently I cannot do.
  13. MaveRick, ALL of your pics are ooooohhhhh soooooo IMPRESIVE! Thanks for sharing these wonderful shots with all of us. When I saw that shot of the Monster I was like "oooohhhh yeah"....I had almost forgoten that it had made a apperance in Fronteir. It was VERY cool when it did. THANKS!
  14. robodragon, Nice lookin display mate! One day I'll own the Macross Plus valks.......one day.
  15. That's a Bandai Action Stand. YOu can find them for cheap on HLJ still......I think.
  16. I know what you mean. I originally owned a military colored version as well and it was problem free.
  17. That looks GREAT!
  18. There's a good reason to be bitchy?
  19. WOOOOTTT WOOOOOTTT!!!! EXCITED = ME! I just received in the mail my 2 sets of stickers from Reprolabels for my Gakken Ride Armor. The originals were kinda dingy and some just plain looked bad. So now that I have all new ones I can go ahead and apply them to the figure. I will be posting some pics sometime soon, so be on the look out.
  20. You raise a good question there. To be honest with ya...you stand the chance of getting a large amount of various opinions on this matter. I agree with Sumdumgai that you should wait for the new v.2 1/60 scale VF-1s by Yamato to get a good sized valk. that seems to be one of the best coming out. I myself am a fan of alot of different valks. I like the 1/55 bandai Chunky Monkey, the Yamato 1/48 and I even like the Toynami 1/100s. Granted...the toynamis can be giant pieces of $hit but at the same time they can be hella fun. If you wanna try out a transformable VF-1 for cheap...then getting a toynami 1/100 is a good place to start. But PLEASE DO NOT base your opinions from then on for transformable VF-1s by that. Godd luck and welcome to Macross World.
  21. I would'nt exactly say that any of those companies could make a "better" figure. I will say that Yamato and CM stands a good chance of making a comparable figure. I also will say...there's no chance in hell that Toynami could make a "better" figure. Plus....Bandai is known for quality IMO.
  22. 1: This is the wrong section for this post. 2: Because the Alphas/Legioss' is NOT Macross. It is Robotech/Mospeada and therfore belongs in the Anime section of the boards. 3: Who is this guy?!?
  23. misterryno

    Max VF-1S

    PMing you!
  24. misterryno

    Max VF-1S

    Alright newbie...what are you talking about? I mean...your joking right?
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