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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. If youre pics get any better I'm gonna start hating you .
  2. I WANT ONE!!! BAD A$$ my Ballchinian Brother!!! I'm just glad you like it since I "persuaded" you to get it . We need more pics though. Show us those posing skills!
  3. HELL YEAH BROTHER!!! MORE MORE MORE!!! I need to see the full collection now so I can be SUPER jealous. OO
  4. Maybe they're afraid that some people may not want let's say....a red skull insignia instead of a black skull insignia on a 1S Strike Hikky. Why they would want a black one is beyond me but maybe just maybe that's why. I don't really know...but that's my guess.
  5. Try.....a BEAUTIFUL couple! They look GREAT!!!
  6. BAD A$$ AS ALWAYS MATE! This is my fav!
  7. No word on the side covers as of yet.....and that gap is unusually large for I believe it was not transformed all the way...meaning I don't think that they locked down the chest all the way.
  8. SWEET!!! THANKS FOR THE LINKY!!! I dig sooooo much about the 1/60 v.2!!!
  9. OMG!!! You have a Rocketeer Backpack......TOOOOOOOO COOOOOOL!!!! LUCKY!!!
  10. I'll keep using it for I am not afraid and my valks. stay out of the sun. They are all naturally fair skinned and burn easily . Plus...I really like the finish it gives the valk.
  11. GOD DAMN!!! You're gone for a few days busy working your a$$ off and you come back on to find pages upon pages of convo. in every section. I really need a new job where I don't miss MW sooooo much. Back to the topic....AWESOME that they have a Hikky 1A on it's way out! Taking a second, third and even fourth look at the rainbow canopy....it's not too bad after all. And the amount of tampo there seems to be on these bad boys is GREAT!
  12. They both have breast? I do see that they both have brown eyes. Their noses are very simalar(spelling). Their mouths although seem slighty different.
  13. DAMN That is a good lookin bird! I like this pic the best!
  14. I'm CERTAIN that you will improve.....just look how much you have already! KEEP EM COMIN! OO
  15. A totally BAD A$$ collection you have going on there mate! Love the GIGANTIC ED!
  16. You are definetly in the right thread brother. GREAT POSES!!!
  17. Thanks! I hope it does not yellow...but only time will tell eh!?!
  18. VERY COOL POSE! I'm happy that you have now obtained one of the most bad a$$ 1/48 valks EVER! VERY COOL POSES EVERYONE!!!
  19. ---- I will do whatever Yamato says to do. you are too funny mate!
  20. VERY NICE COLLECTION MATE!!! I see this is the place for collection pics....so I better get one up. I will wait for my Angel Bird and 1J and GBP Armor first though.
  22. THANKS for the videos. I hope it is still around or that my memory still serves me well once I get a 21. THANKS AGAIN!
  23. To all of you posers... ...GREAT PICS!!! GREAT DISPLAYS!!! AND AMAZING POSES!!! Especially you...you crazzzzzzyyy Aussie!!!
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