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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. I agree......do you think we'll get something cool....or lame like the 1/48 boxes....sorry guys....but the 1/48 boxes are lame....at least the art on them is.
  2. AMAZING as always mate! GREAT pose! Is there something special that you did to that stand in order for it to hold such a nice and diffacult pose?
  3. VERY AWESOME Brother!!! I love to see your valks! They are all so beautiful! OO
  4. I love how you yell at yourself....it saves me the time
  5. misterryno

    Thunder Hammer

    Heh.....you army/squardron builders.....ccccrrrrrrrraaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyy ....... I wanna see a pic of all your figures set out one day in some sort of battle formation.
  6. Even though the tires look hella funny...this figure looks SICK!!! I still can't find it in me to drop 180 bones on it.....ppsssshhhh...what am I talkin about. I'll get at least 1.
  7. I know this ALL TO WELL . I'm glad to be here and ready for a new line to introduce itself in it's entirety. I mean this by...when I started this drug I started with the reissue 1/55s, v.1 1/60s and the 1/48s...but all of those had been out for quite some time already. I was in a tight money spot when the zero valks and the 19 and 21 came out. But now...I'm in a good financial (getting better that is) position and getting some 1/48s (this is harder than it seems when you don't wanna sell your limbs) so getting all the v.2 1/60 line sounds like a feasible idea. Which makes me happy.....I'm soooo happy .
  8. My MH Stick came with Japanese instructions....but my MH Rey came with English instructions (which I posted in this topic a while back). Of course....my MH Rey also had a Toynami sticker on it...so there ya go.
  9. Eh......I just put in an order with HLJ as well. There's barely a difference in the total price being paid.....so it will be up to the shipping time. Will it make it from overseas before I can get it stateside?!? Most likely yes.
  10. I may put in an order with HLJ still. I have one with Los at LAF. I should do HLJ as well and see who gets it to me faster. The only thing I don't like about overseas is the shipping. The wait...the cost...they both suck.
  11. Here's my preference for an american dealer...LAFToys.com Here's my preference for an overseas dealer...HLJ.com another overseas...Overdrive and here Of course...I just realized that LAF is sold out...there are plenty of guys to buy from overseas though. Choose wisely.
  12. I must say I hate it. I never liked it as a kid and I can't makeself sit through it now. I aint gonna slam it though. To each their own.
  13. YEAH!!! THE CONS GONNA ROCK!!! There's not an avatar to show how exicted I am to be going.
  14. OOOooooooohhhhhhh my............That is simply GORGEOUS!!! GREAT JOB!!! You have a PM!
  15. Yeah....good comeback.....I don't even like Robotech.....STOOPID
  16. Supposibly not. Probally not.
  17. ....I knew you'de come around.
  18. really?!? Now that's just weird. I just can't find enough love for the GERWALK.
  19. The clothed rider is definetly AWESOME...but the size is my deal. With it being dangerously close to the size of the 1/8 Gakken... ...that just pushes all the right buttons.
  20. Sorry mate....I could say I'm gonna wait till then....but I'd be lying. I just wanna get one from the get go in case I decide to get the whole line.
  21. I do concur doctor. This is the one item I have pre ordered and stuck to. So it best be out super soon. I do agree somewhat with AlphaHX...but then again...the 21 IMO is just alright. The VF-1 thus far is were my money goes . I'm impatient. I can't help that.
  22. gilermo, GREAT poses mate! I need to sticker up my MHs and do some posing.
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