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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Weathering would look good....but that panel lining looks great! I love the look it gives the 0S.
  2. It is out of order?!? Heh....I TOTALLY got the story you were trying to portray! I'm with ya mate!
  3. I've finally had a chance to go through your slide show. Thanks for the linky to that. I am always impressed but you uberdisplay skills.
  4. Is this for me? If so...I don't understand?
  5. I just received my 1S Strike Max in the mail today! Here are a few fresh out of the box pics...and some battroid pics as well. I still need to do some detail work and then I'll post MANY more. Enjoy.
  6. Here's a few static poses of good ol 1S Strike Hikky.
  7. Nice job! I'm gonna have to try that method one day.
  8. Seriously now.....I need to get ALOT better at photoshop and all that good stuff. That pic is coolio!
  10. Well Vagas......that confirms it.....yours is DEFINETLY a fake. I will be a very very good friend to you and give you $200 USD shipped for it.
  11. Hey hey.....>GREAT SHOTS NOOBIE!!! Seriously....they look real nice....and good job on the panel lining as well. It looks pretty clean.
  12. THANKS!!! I just like to think....."If I were piloting VF-1....what poses would I do? " OO
  13. ruskiiVFaussie, FUNKING AWESOME TRANSFORMATION!!! GREAT JOB!!! I have not had a chance to check out the slideshow yet....but once I do....I am certain you will hear nothing but good praise from me. Keep them up mate....your wooping my a$$ at posing!
  14. It is an AWESOME series! I'm VERY happy that you are enjoying it. Oh yeah man......they definetly show all that on TV. Sooooo much better than American TV. Most of the other countries keep it real.....and by that I don't mean crappy reality TV shows. BTW....there is absolutly NOTHING wrong with you. There are alot of us who think Hoquet is HOT HOT HOT!!! My fav. episodes......I can't think of a couple that really stand out at the moment.....probally ALL of them!
  15. AWESOME PRIZE!!! I hope YOU don't win it! Just kidding...
  16. THANKS for the props mate!!! I dig the pose that I am replying to....it looks as if your 19 is diving into the clouds. Totally cool!
  17. THANKS!!! Who says a VF-1 can't break dance?!?
  18. That's a bad a$$ pose too.....but I cannot do poses in Battroid mode with a 1/48 VF-1 ......at least not to my knowledge. Can you?!?
  19. After seeing all these bad a$$ poses I am wishing I would not have sold as many of my flexis as I did. Oh well....I'll just have to make do with what I have. Had some fun with the AB tonight. No poses with stands but I like them all the same.
  20. Of course you know good sir...this means war. Wicked Ace RuskiiVFaussie Who will be the champion only the biggest poser will win
  21. Hell yeah!!! That stealthy 19 is HOT! I myself have'nt messed too much with the Macross Stand either. But I also only have 1/48s to fit it with for now.
  22. Good one! Awesome VIBs MaveRick! OO
  23. True that homie.....your poses are FREAKIN SWEET as well! I will work at it.
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