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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. ruskiiVFaussie, BAD A$$ Mate!!! Bad a$$! One day I'll own a YF-19 w/FoldDildo.
  2. I don't wanna try to figure it out... ...can you just tell me....PLEASE...
  3. Diddo.....thanks for being upfront and not going CRAZY with the "helping price".
  4. Well.....that's pretty shitty.
  5. YOU'RE BACK!!! Good to know mate!
  6. Okay my bad...I meant Monday June 30th...... .....you knew what I meant.
  7. Right on mate. Thanks for the info....I was starting to wonder when I might see them.
  8. Hey all....thanks for the congrats! I will hopefully be posting some pics by this weekend. Probably Friday....for I will have the day off. I am leaving for Washington next Monday for a week....so I will have to get some more taken soon.
  9. This is by far the most BAD A$$ EVER!!! Great job!!!
  10. I went for the 1/48 w/Booby Ducks.
  11. BAD A$$!!! Count me IN!!! I want a 1A TV Max fo sho!
  12. More sad news for the 1/60 v.2 From LOS' site LAFtoys.com This product will be in stock on Thursday 31 July, 2008. It used to say Friday 30 June, 2008
  13. Yep the HUD is the only thing I see. Wonder what else? EDIT-------> I think also.....a little part for the pilots left hand for the thruster control?
  14. The God like displaying skills of Macross Valks. OO
  15. I was just about to say the same thing.
  16. Nevermind.......I don't have the info anymore....but I am sure he can send it to you.....I have the info in my head...but I don't have the time this moment to jot it all down for ya....sorry mate.
  17. HA!!! I'll send you the info now.....PM on the way.
  18. OMG!!! IT'S THE BOMB!!! I will get at least 1.
  19. WOW!!! GREAT pics and poses to EVERYONE!!! I have not been on the MW that much lately and for this I must apologize. I just got a new job a week or so back so I am not able to be on all day...I am logged in all day....but that's that.....oh yeah....I also just adopted a dog (Brom is his name) so he's keeping me quite busy too. I will be sure to post some pics soon.
  20. OOOOOOOoooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh!!! THAT'S TIGHT!!! That is....UBERVALKDISPLAYISM!!! High Five to my Ballchinian Brother! OO
  21. GAAAAARRRRRR I hoe so... OO
  22. Awesome news bro!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! Kirirth---I think Street Fighter for the video game tournament sounds like a rockin idea!
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