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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Ummmmmm........ .................YES PLEASE!!!
  2. Ehhh!?! What's this you speak of?
  3. Oooooo.....I can't wait to get this one. I have the Voyager class one of his cybertronian mode and I do not like it.
  4. THANKS brother! Glad to be back.....vacation was pretty sweet.....but oh so tiring. I just moved my collection around a bit before I went to Washington so I should take some pics now. Plus...I gotsta keep up my 12+ post/day OO
  5. Impressed I am! GREAT looking collection!
  6. I am as well....but that's only cause I WANT THEM ALL!!!
  7. misterryno

    Latest custom.

    Hey....that's what I was gonna say! GREAT JOB!!!
  8. I pre-ordered mine through LOS at laftoys.com a while ago...but I believe he is sold out. It would seem that the cost with shipping from him pretty much matches up to the price from most over seas shops.
  9. I just picked up a few of the Animated toys myself...So far I have aquired a Deluxe Cybertronian Mode Optimus Prime, a Voyager Cybertronian Mode Megatron and a Voyager Starscream. I must say that I like SS the most with OP in 2nd and Megs trailing behind. I don't really care for how large they made Megs cannon. I have an order in for a few more from HTS....once the Leader Earth Mode Megatron comes in I will probally sell off my current Megs. I can't say that I'm gonna go for the whole line for there are too many that I just don't care for. I will however be picking up the Leader Blitzwing for he has always been one of my fav charactors. Here's a pic of the trio... I also have an order in for the Japanese version of the Classics 2.0 There are quite a few of those that I would like to pick up.
  10. Yes yes.....THANKS ALOT for the pics and the mini review. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
  11. I'm flying in there and grabbing a ride with another MW member. I will discuss your post with him and then reply back here or PM you on what I find out.
  12. BEAUTIFUL collection mate! Simply gorgeous!
  13. Sometimes I wonder why you even bother speaking.
  14. F*in AWESOME AVATAR!!!
  15. WTF Mate!?! Those are fu(king AWESOME!!! What version or type of photoshop are you using?
  16. .....then they should totally release this valk in a large number and when nobody is ordering them anymore I'll be more than happy to pay 70 bones for one....
  17. Heh........good point......I wonder why as well
  18. RIGHT ON!!! THANKS!!! I may try this when I get home. We'll see.
  19. MaveRick, I'd be lying if I said your pics were crap. Cause they look SPECTACULAR as always!!!
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